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Hello!Anyone still on this post?Yes, people are still on this post, even though it may look deserted at times. I need to know if I can connect the "Circuit thingys" to each other, and if I can, how?Quite a question! Electronics is a science into itself, and takes discipline and time to learn,like everything. If you want to jump into robotics, I would recommend going to,and look into their basic stamps. Parallax has tech support, and schematics to support yourlearning with projects. Programming is easy and logical; software is friendly and fast. To get intoelectronics itself, there are books on amazon. A visit to your local community college (if you have one)to look at the electronic books there, or talk with an instructor. This should put you on a path ofdiscovery, without much pain. Also.. How do I make my own post? All this is in the instructions, posted in the forum. You may have to dig, but the info is here.Also.. Is it safe to open a portable DVD player? Or a laptop?As long as you do not have power to it, you should be ok. Caution, if your open theseitems up, and do not have any idea of how they function(electronically), you may destroythe units. If your objective is to learn, and destroying the items are ok, then I would geta schematic (electronic map) of the items, and learn that way. You may be able to get theschematics from internet searches, or from the manufacturer themselves. Use the model andserial numbers to target the search. Good Luck!! (if you are going to use the Axon for robotics, see the instructions in this forum, and my postsin the miscellaneous section, Analyzing the Axon: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions. )