Author Topic: 50 dollar robot code  (Read 2794 times)

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50 dollar robot code
« on: December 11, 2014, 12:56:09 PM »
Could someone give the code used in Atmel Studio 6 for the errors in the picture. The tutorial is quite old and written using the older versions of Atmel Studio and the new Studio doesn't understand some of the code used by the old Atmel studio. It is frustrating for me and for future people who decide to do this tutorial because they will rip their hair out not knowing what is going on.

I've been waiting long to program my robot but I cant get it working because of that problem.

Offline Webbot

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Re: 50 dollar robot code
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2014, 02:36:59 PM »
Understand your frustration - and whilst I'm a 'guest' to this site just like you are - then a bit of site etiquette may help you to get a response.

If you stand back, without emotion,  from your post then it sort of reads as  -"I've downloaded something and it doesn't work - please fix - or else".

I know it makes perfect sense to you but it's not very clear to others and hence they will have to invest a load of time to discover all of the stuff that you, alone,  probably already know. ie there is a LOT of code on this site.

You've mentioned Atmel Studio 6 - but is it 6.0, 6.1, 6.2? Loads of people on this site don't use Atmel Studio - or may not have the version you are using - and its a humongous download they may not want to spend time on it. They may not even be using Windows and so Atmel Studio is not even an option.

What code have you downloaded, from what page? How do I re-produce your problem?

How did you create it as a project in Atmel Studio? Or is it easier to upload a ZIP of the project with all of your settings ( (probably easiest for everyone else)?

To summarise: the more time/detail you invest in reporting the problem and the quicker it is for others to evaluate/reproduce then the more likely you will receive a response

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