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Guest 01:15:30 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot connecting items on the PCB to the microcontroller.
Guest 01:15:27 AM Viewing the topic smoothing Capacitor.
Guest 01:15:26 AM Viewing the board Electronics.
Guest 01:15:25 AM Viewing the topic Sequencing Servos and Autonomous Servo Control w/ Sharp IR.
Guest 01:15:21 AM Viewing the topic Anyone knows good brands of linear actuators?.
Guest 01:15:17 AM Viewing the topic DIY solar powered battery recharger.
Guest 01:15:10 AM Viewing the topic Interfacing Axon with the SLE4442 SmartCard.
Guest 01:15:06 AM Viewing the topic FAST LINE FOLLOWING .
Guest 01:15:02 AM Viewing the board Electronics.
Guest 01:14:53 AM Viewing the topic ATMega168.
Guest 01:14:45 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot Power Question.
Guest 01:14:41 AM Viewing the topic IMU 5 DOF test and check method..
Guest 01:14:38 AM Viewing the topic Recording Bug.
Guest 01:14:33 AM Viewing the topic Novice is in need of some wireless servo assistance..
Guest 01:14:31 AM Viewing the topic motor controllers and their operation.
Guest 01:14:29 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 01:14:26 AM Viewing the topic it works!!!! ARDUINO.
Guest 01:14:23 AM Viewing the topic Schematic and PCB for the $50 Robot.
Guest 01:14:18 AM Viewing the topic Java programmable MCU?.
Guest 01:14:13 AM Viewing the topic Youtube Bluetooth Tutorial...
Guest 01:14:06 AM Viewing the topic Computer and Robot in one.
Guest 01:14:02 AM Viewing the topic text-to-speech and speech recognition.
Guest 01:13:57 AM Viewing the topic 3 lead bumper switch.
Guest 01:13:53 AM Viewing the topic Converting 24v to 12v.
Guest 01:13:49 AM Viewing the topic TCP/IP & fingerprint project.
Guest 01:13:45 AM Viewing the topic Adding Ethernet.
Guest 01:13:41 AM Viewing the topic Battery monitoring circuit.
Guest 01:13:39 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 01:13:37 AM Viewing the topic Oscilloscope Opinion(s).
Guest 01:13:34 AM Viewing the topic Mounting Wheels onto a Servo.
Guest 01:13:33 AM Viewing the topic (..another) Robotic Arm Project Question.
Guest 01:12:53 AM Viewing the topic recognition of some electronics devices.
Guest 01:12:46 AM Viewing the topic Need help on DC voltage conversion.
Guest 01:12:41 AM Viewing the topic help! 433Mhz RF ASK problem.
Guest 01:12:39 AM Viewing the topic question.
Guest 01:12:25 AM Viewing the topic other recognition electronics devices that don't enter in the other chain.
Guest 01:12:21 AM Viewing the topic how to choose a right motor & build PID electronic circuit control.
Guest 01:12:17 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot on Meccano chassis.
Guest 01:12:13 AM Viewing the topic servo question!.
Guest 01:12:09 AM Viewing the topic control.
Guest 01:12:05 AM Viewing the topic Forward Voltage Drop?.
Guest 01:12:02 AM Viewing the topic speed/direction controllers.
Guest 01:11:57 AM Viewing the topic Excellent tutorials.
Guest 01:11:49 AM Viewing the topic SERVOCENTER.
Guest 01:11:46 AM Viewing the topic VR for arduino burning out..
Guest 01:11:37 AM Viewing the topic Multiple Axon in one robot?.
Guest 01:11:29 AM Viewing the topic How to connect dc motor with L298N.
Guest 01:11:17 AM Viewing the topic hi.help please!.
Guest 01:11:09 AM Viewing the topic Anybody knows wat is xbee nd how to use it?.
Guest 01:11:06 AM Viewing the topic $50 robot schematic batteries.
Guest 01:10:46 AM Viewing the topic IR Problems.
Guest 01:10:41 AM Viewing the topic need uber cheep to free wireless.
Guest 01:10:37 AM Viewing the topic Where can I find information on programming atmega644.
Guest 01:10:33 AM Viewing the topic Replace Axon Voltage Regulator with a switching Regulator.
Guest 01:10:29 AM Viewing the board Electronics.
Guest 01:10:29 AM Viewing the topic hello from venezuela (AXON QUESTION).
Guest 01:10:22 AM Viewing the topic Webcam Intergration.
Guest 01:10:17 AM Viewing the topic new 40 mile transceiver for $185.
Guest 01:10:14 AM Viewing the topic Nordic Tranciever.
Guest 01:10:10 AM Viewing the topic 50$ Robot Resistor.
Guest 01:09:53 AM Viewing the topic search after back picture of humanoid robot.
Guest 01:09:49 AM Viewing the topic motor driver + PIC+backemf.
Guest 01:09:48 AM Viewing the topic Do I Need Resistors?.
Guest 01:09:46 AM Viewing the topic Optocoupler issue.
Guest 01:09:41 AM Viewing the topic photoresister sensor.
Guest 01:09:37 AM Viewing the topic pid contol.
Guest 01:09:33 AM Viewing the topic Sharp Multi-Beam Ranging Sensor.
Guest 01:09:30 AM Viewing the topic photo sensor.
Guest 01:09:18 AM Viewing the topic need help with sensors..
Guest 01:09:13 AM Viewing the topic Sensor ADC?.
Guest 01:09:10 AM Viewing the board Electronics.
Guest 01:09:05 AM Viewing the topic Blinking Test Light only works when Programmer is plugged in?.
Guest 01:09:01 AM Viewing the topic Teleoperation principle design.
Guest 01:08:57 AM Viewing the topic Atmega168 as a Usb Human Interface Device.
Guest 01:08:54 AM Viewing the topic Can not program atmega644: Most likely a hardware problem?.
Guest 01:08:49 AM Viewing the topic Help on the $50 Robot circuit.
Guest 01:08:46 AM Viewing the topic Where to start to begin building your own augmented microcontroller.
Guest 01:08:41 AM Viewing the topic $90 pocket Oscilloscope, anyone used before? Any good? DSO Nano.
Guest 01:08:37 AM Viewing the topic Arduino bot only works on USB power.
Guest 01:08:34 AM Viewing the topic Servo help.
Guest 01:08:25 AM Viewing the topic Two transistor Motor Driver Information.
Guest 01:08:22 AM Viewing the topic the 50$ robot shopping.
Guest 01:08:13 AM Viewing the topic 50$ robot Sensor problem.
Guest 01:08:10 AM Viewing the topic rusty sencore 148 use?.
Guest 01:08:05 AM Viewing the topic damaged integrated circuit.
Guest 01:08:01 AM Viewing the topic Controlling Multiple Servos.
Guest 01:07:56 AM Viewing the topic Linear Induction.
Guest 01:07:53 AM Viewing the topic Obstacle Avoidance for Irobot Create with Command Module.
Guest 01:07:50 AM Viewing the topic Wiring a Sharp IR Sensor GP2Y0D810Z0F.
Guest 01:07:45 AM Viewing the topic Simple Brush Motor Controller (with e-abs).
Guest 01:07:41 AM Viewing the topic servo noise interfering with camera.
Guest 01:07:37 AM Viewing the topic Logo.
Guest 01:07:30 AM Viewing the topic Axon and sabertooth 2X10.
Guest 01:07:25 AM Viewing the topic how can I convert 10uF into nF and pF?.
Guest 01:07:14 AM Viewing the topic capacitors & size of basis & servo.
Guest 01:07:09 AM Viewing the topic Tracking Golf Club.
Guest 01:07:01 AM Viewing the topic 50$ Robot capacitor connection?.
Guest 01:06:46 AM Viewing the topic Old micro-prosessors.
Guest 01:06:42 AM Viewing the topic plastic hole, sellotape & Polypropylene.
Guest 01:06:34 AM Viewing the topic shaving down ics .