Author Topic: autonomous Vibrobot  (Read 2114 times)

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Offline TeslaHV9Topic starter

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autonomous Vibrobot
« on: August 08, 2009, 09:03:54 AM »
I was searching through and found this robot called the Socbot. It is a vibrobot that is remote controlled. I was thinking about changing the infared receiver to an infared range finder and turning it into an autonomous, wall avioding robot. I do not know enough about robotics to make it autonomous myself so can I please have some help with this. Here is the link to the instrutables page:

thanks guys,
« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 06:29:26 PM by TeslaHV9 »
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Offline SmAsH

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Re: autonomous Vibrobot
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2009, 10:21:47 PM »
mornin' tesla!
well, that small robot looks like it could easily be turned autonomous...
although it would be a tricky bugger to solder, you could use something like an attiny2313 or smaller to control it.
something like the l293D could be used as a dual motor driver...
by infared rangefinder. do you mean sharp ir? this may be too big for the robot and make it flip, maybe think about something smaller like a infrared emitter and detector pair...
overall, i think this is a totally achievable project!

Offline wil.hamilton

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Re: autonomous Vibrobot
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2009, 07:32:14 AM »
you could definitely turn it autonomous
you could built a simple IR range finder using this tutorial:

i would recommend using an integrated emitter/detector (has both in one chip) instead of separate emitter/detectors
use the google.  it's your friend.

