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Guest 02:47:34 AM Viewing Who's Online.
Guest 02:47:33 AM Viewing the topic Powering a motor.
Guest 02:47:33 AM Viewing the topic When are 14V to 24V batteries used?.
Guest 02:47:32 AM Viewing the topic 7th SoR Robot Contest ideas!.
Guest 02:47:30 AM Viewing the topic ATR robot arm .
Guest 02:47:30 AM Viewing the topic Anyone have any experience with TowerPro servos?.
Guest 02:47:30 AM Viewing the topic Calculating Servo Torque-> Quadruped Robot.
Guest 02:47:29 AM Viewing the topic choosing the transistor?.
Guest 02:47:28 AM Viewing the topic I.
Guest 02:47:28 AM Viewing the topic HELP:Line Follower Robot.
Guest 02:47:28 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:47:26 AM Viewing the topic I'm new and need help!.
Guest 02:47:26 AM Viewing the topic L.
Guest 02:47:24 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:47:24 AM Viewing the topic i need help with my motor driver!!.
Guest 02:47:23 AM Viewing the topic problem with my $40 Line follower project!!!.
Guest 02:47:22 AM Viewing the topic my robots band.
Guest 02:47:19 AM Viewing the topic uBotino, a micro robot board.
Guest 02:47:19 AM Viewing the topic Axon Question.
Guest 02:47:18 AM Viewing the topic Door safety interlock.
Guest 02:47:16 AM Viewing the topic Self balancing 2 wheel robot.
Guest 02:47:15 AM Viewing the topic Sketch does not run with external power supply (again).
Guest 02:47:14 AM Viewing the topic 16x2 Sparkfun SerLCD.
Guest 02:47:14 AM Viewing the topic The Electronic Camera Gimbal.
Guest 02:47:13 AM Viewing the topic solenoid duty cycle with step-up circiut / dc to dc conveter.
Guest 02:47:12 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:47:12 AM Viewing the topic Problem with ISP Programmer.
Guest 02:47:11 AM Viewing the topic Motor Controller.
Guest 02:47:10 AM Viewing the topic question about the SoR tutorial contest.
Guest 02:47:10 AM Viewing the topic Unable to Program Axon, USB not detecting--Help Please!.
Guest 02:47:09 AM Viewing the topic New IC for the 50$ robot.
Guest 02:47:08 AM Viewing the topic Anyone know of an equivalent faster motor? .
Guest 02:47:07 AM Viewing the topic Is there any videos on setting up the AxonII?.
Guest 02:47:07 AM Viewing the topic AVR ISP2 Programmer Australia.
Guest 02:47:05 AM Viewing the topic Magnetic Polarity Indicator.
Guest 02:47:04 AM Viewing the topic I bought an AXON....
Guest 02:47:04 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:47:03 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot Sharp IR Problem.
Guest 02:47:02 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot Sharp IR Problem.
Guest 02:47:01 AM Viewing the topic Torque vs wheels.
Guest 02:47:00 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:47:00 AM Viewing the topic Soldering Iron?.
Guest 02:47:00 AM Viewing the topic using the axon with remote control.
Guest 02:47:00 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot switching to two batteries.
Guest 02:46:59 AM Viewing the topic "Motors that can do overkill".
Guest 02:46:58 AM Viewing the topic Very quiet, high torque 150rpm motor advice.
Guest 02:46:58 AM Viewing the topic Assisted firing device.
Guest 02:46:58 AM Viewing the topic Combination Voltage and Current Sensor.
Guest 02:46:57 AM Viewing the topic new special robot search for SoR.
Guest 02:46:56 AM Viewing the topic Ring tossing .
Guest 02:46:56 AM Viewing the topic Robot Construction Log.
Guest 02:46:56 AM Viewing the topic High friction wheels for a sumo bot.
Guest 02:46:55 AM Viewing the topic how hard to find IR controller for Topo I robot (Nolan Bushnell design).
Guest 02:46:55 AM Viewing the topic Desperately need HELP on gearing !.
Guest 02:46:55 AM Printing the topic "Servo Gear Help!!!!!!!!!!!".
Guest 02:46:54 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot tutorial status update.
Guest 02:46:54 AM Viewing the topic Arduino UNO output info! PLEASE!.
Guest 02:46:53 AM Printing the topic "Air drop deployed robot".
Guest 02:46:53 AM Viewing the topic Recommend me motors for this animatronic wing build?.
Guest 02:46:53 AM Viewing the topic Pneumatics or Motors.
Guest 02:46:52 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:46:52 AM Viewing the topic dog robot skeleton.
Guest 02:46:52 AM Viewing the topic Servo Gear Help!!!!!!!!!!!.
Guest 02:46:52 AM Viewing the topic Elecfreaks - Freakscar - How to Program.
Guest 02:46:51 AM Printing the topic "2 24v motor controllers wired too 1 joystick???????".
Guest 02:46:51 AM Viewing the topic Revealing Optional Features of R.O.V.E.R..
Guest 02:46:51 AM Viewing the topic Quick question about DC motor.
Guest 02:46:48 AM Viewing the topic Alternative to sharp IR sensor for 50$ robot.
Guest 02:46:48 AM Viewing the topic MTR - My PhD robot from concept to implementation :).
Guest 02:46:47 AM Viewing the topic [advertisement] New Stepper Motor Mounts.
Guest 02:46:46 AM Viewing the topic dog robot skeleton.
Guest 02:46:46 AM Viewing the topic Continous Motion HS-311 Servos....
Guest 02:46:45 AM Viewing the topic New robotic toy coming out!.
Guest 02:46:45 AM Viewing the topic My Female Android Robot Project Update..
Guest 02:46:45 AM Viewing the topic Revealing Optional Features of R.O.V.E.R..
Guest 02:46:45 AM Viewing the topic Ever tried a Kit Robot?.
Guest 02:46:45 AM Viewing the topic servos can chop fingers off! demonstration . . ..
Guest 02:46:45 AM Viewing the topic Help with $50 robot.
Guest 02:46:44 AM Viewing the topic 120w e scooter motor powered robot.
Guest 02:46:44 AM Viewing the topic Recognizeing a frequency.
Guest 02:46:44 AM Viewing the topic Building my own PCB some Advice Please....
Guest 02:46:43 AM Viewing the topic Robot Arm.
Guest 02:46:43 AM Viewing the topic Motor Overheating.
Guest 02:46:43 AM Viewing the topic Is this what im looking for?.
Guest 02:46:43 AM Viewing the topic I need help on how to start building Arm robot.
Guest 02:46:42 AM Viewing the topic robot communism - fun topic.
Guest 02:46:42 AM Viewing the topic Does this axle look overstressed?.
Guest 02:46:42 AM Viewing the topic Assorted $50 robot questions [UNANSWERED QUESTIONS ON 1ST POST].
Guest 02:46:41 AM Viewing the topic Modifying standard servos to digital.
Guest 02:46:41 AM Viewing the topic Very quiet, high torque 150rpm motor advice.
Guest 02:46:41 AM Viewing the topic Elecfreaks - Freakscar - How to Program.
Guest 02:46:39 AM Viewing the topic CV (Constant Velocity) Joints.
Guest 02:46:39 AM Viewing the topic Does solder provide mechanical strength?.
Guest 02:46:38 AM Viewing the topic Building a Biped Robot.
Guest 02:46:37 AM Viewing the topic cooling air.
Guest 02:46:36 AM Viewing the topic converting paint to hex.
Guest 02:46:35 AM Viewing the topic all i want for christmas.... easy PCBs!.
Guest 02:46:35 AM Viewing the topic Light weight one axis hinge recommendation.
Guest 02:46:35 AM Viewing the topic Electric Vehicle (travel a specific distance).
Guest 02:46:34 AM Viewing the topic Building a Flying Robot.