Author Topic: Tribute to C  (Read 2568 times)

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Offline madsci1016Topic starter

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Tribute to C
« on: June 22, 2010, 09:58:03 PM »
Found this, had to share. I suggesting playing this with the volume low to get the rhythm.


"Write your code in C

WRITE IN C (sung to The Beatles "Let it Be")

When I find my code in tons of trouble,
Friends and colleagues come to me,
Speaking words of wisdom:
"Write in C."

As the deadline fast approaches,
And bugs are all that I can see,
Somewhere, someone whispers"
"Write in C."

Write in C, write in C,
Write in C, write in C.
LISP is dead and buried,
Write in C.

I used to write a lot of FORTRAN,
for science it worked flawlessly.
Try using it for graphics!
Write in C.

If you've just spent nearly 30 hours
Debugging some assembly,
Soon you will be glad to
Write in C.

Write in C, write in C,
Write In C, yeah, write in C.
Only wimps use BASIC.
Write in C.

Write in C, write in C,
Write in C, oh, write in C.
Pascal won't quite cut it.
Write in C.

Guitar Solo

Write in C, write in C,
Write in C, yeah, write in C.
Don't even mention COBOL.
Write in C.

And when the screen is fuzzy,
And the edior is bugging me.
I'm sick of ones and zeroes.
Write in C.

A thousand people people swear that T.P.
Seven is the one for me.
I hate the word PROCEDURE,
Write in C.

Write in C, write in C,
Write in C, yeah, write in C.
PL1 is 80's,
Write in C.

Write in C, write in C,
Write in C, yeah, write in C.
The government loves ADA,
Write in C.""

Offline amando96

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Re: Tribute to C
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 05:40:21 AM »
Anyone brave enough to sing it and post?  :)  :P
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 07:35:25 AM by amando96 »
Rorcle, 60% complete
AATV, 5% complete

Offline madsci1016Topic starter

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Re: Tribute to C
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2010, 07:41:11 AM »
Time for SOR's first music video?   ;D

Offline SmAsH

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Re: Tribute to C
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2010, 02:36:21 PM »
Dear lord, what have you done!
Microsoft Sam volunteers!

Offline madsci1016Topic starter

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Re: Tribute to C
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2010, 02:57:45 PM »
I really want to make a music video for this. Maybe we get all the regulars to sing some, and I'll edit it together?

