Author Topic: AVR Dragon: unbricker + JTAG + debugger + ISP programmer in one  (Read 4846 times)

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Offline AdminTopic starter

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I just learned that the AVR Dragon, which is used for JTAG, debugging, and ISP programming, can also unbrick your AVR using the HVSP.

So if you want to program your AVR's, and afraid you'll brick them, spend another ~$13 and get one:

note: It only works if the bricking was caused by improperly set fuses, and the JTAG fuse wasn't disabled. HV programming can potentially do bad things to your circuit if you do it as in-circuit (depends on what pins are connected to what).
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 01:52:01 PM by Admin »

Offline madsci1016

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Re: AVR Dragon: unbricker + JTAG + debugger + ISP programmer in one
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2010, 06:48:44 PM »
$50 !!!!

I've heard around here for that much you can build a whole robot!

I'll stick with my $20 Pololu AVR programmer. I don't ever touch fuses nor need JTAG. But the extra uart level com port and limited oscilloscope come in handy.

Offline SmAsH

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Re: AVR Dragon: unbricker + JTAG + debugger + ISP programmer in one
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2010, 07:17:03 PM »
So if you want to program your AVR's, and afraid you'll brick them, spend another ~$13 and get one:
Wait... What?

Offline AdminTopic starter

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Re: AVR Dragon: unbricker + JTAG + debugger + ISP programmer in one
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2010, 12:58:54 PM »
So if you want to program your AVR's, and afraid you'll brick them, spend another ~$13 and get one:
Wait... What?
Bricking occurs when you screw up the clock fuses, causing the mcu to no longer work. You can use this to 'fix' it, saving you from buying a new mcu.

