Author Topic: AVRcam Source and Dimensions?  (Read 5149 times)

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AVRcam Source and Dimensions?
« on: June 02, 2007, 09:39:54 AM »
Im seriously considering buying and using the AVRcam for my next big robot project but Im having trouble finding two things:

Source code to interface my external ATmega8 with the AVRcam ATmega8 by serial. Im not entirely sure how to send and recieve commands and I would rather see examples than spend hours figuring it out myself . . . Anyone have some?

The other thing I cant find in the AVRcam manual is the mechanical dimensions, such as size and location of screw holes . . . All I could find is this.

Anyone use the AVRcam with stuff to share? Ive used the CMUcam with PICs so I have a general idea of whats going on . . .

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Re: AVRcam Source and Dimensions?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2007, 10:47:42 AM »
I have one, but didn't got to use it yet. I don't "speak" C yet... But I will look on the CD to see if there are some samples there.
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Re: AVRcam Source and Dimensions?
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2007, 12:05:04 PM »
Nope I haven't used it either. Though I'm giving my thoughts below.

As you already mentioned, communication with the camera is via a serial link. I think the protocol is just text, send text command ie "PG" then expect "ACK" or "NCK" as a reply. If it is then it would be, relatively, very easy.

To test this, I think connecting teraterm (or Br@ys Terminal), with the recommended settings for the camera, to the RS-232 port of the camera and sending the commands and waiting for the responses as indicated in the document. If it works, then its just a matter of putting wrapper code to send the commands and wait for the responses, and having a buffer where the image will be saved.

- Rommel
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Re: AVRcam Source and Dimensions?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2007, 04:54:36 PM »
The other thing I cant find in the AVRcam manual is the mechanical dimensions, such as size and location of screw holes . . . All I could find is this.

I have one sitting in front of me...

The holes are 2 1/8" apart horizontally, and 1 9/16" vertically. The are 0.125" diameter, so you can mount it with #4-40 machine screws.

The main board is 2.5" x 1 15/16" (more or less), although there are a couple LEDs sticking out one of the short sides on the one I have.

Total depth with the camera and components is about 1.75".

- Jon

