Author Topic: use relay to control motor with Axon  (Read 2209 times)

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use relay to control motor with Axon
« on: October 11, 2010, 02:26:20 PM »
Hello Sir, m really got fascinated to Axon Microcontroller. I saw a tutorial for controlling 4 colord led. n instead i can put 4 relays to control 4 servo.n it was mentioned that we can control 29 servos. bt can v control them in both directions ? ( clockwise & anticlockwise ) i also saw a tuitorial in which a hand was controld with pressing E & R. was it on single channel ? if so then i can control atleast 16 servos of my project ? I did my graduation in Mechanical Engineering but i m not havin proficiency in developing programs. SO WHATS THE REQUIRED QUALIFICATION FOR DEVELOPING PROGRAMS IN AXON MIC ? I ve seen 8 channel RF robot bt it was lookin very bulky with controllers they used.when i saw Axon, my eyes got poped out n i really wanna have that bt m very new for their programming. i need to control. is it necessary to have servo motors. cant v use DC motors instead by using relay 6 ohm ? i need program for 8 motor & 16 motor for two different projects. So how to develop that control program ? plz help me ? if is there any booklet then help me plz.  -   Nisarg Kedar : [email protected]

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Re: use relay to control motor with Axon
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 02:41:05 PM »
You should read this:

If you get motors, you'll need to buy motor drivers. Relays are too slow to control speed of a motor, and you need 4 relays to control a single motor.