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I came up with a very simple design of a battery charger suitable for charging one cell of a type mentioned above. It all works fine in simulation. Can someone (people who are more experienced than myself) have a look at it and tell me if such design would work?
In theory, my circuit would not overcharge battery, because regulated voltage is not higher than recommended voltage for one cell. As current is limited by R3, overcurrent problem is solved as well. That's only my opinion. Any thoughts?
Don't ever trust a sim unchallenged, simulators are akin to theory, only good as long as all parameters are known and they seldomly are.
I'd recommend setting the CV to 4.1V initially, partly because you may not be able to set it spot on, partly because your circuit is temperature dependant and partly because Li-Ion won't tolerate more than 1% over charge (and you won't loose much capacity by doing so).
While normal charging is recommended to be 0.7..0.8C, you need to lower the max. current limiting for when the cell(s) are flat (if below 2.9V use 0.1C).
You need to add a circuit for cutting charge completely when charge current falls below 3% (0.03C), as lithium cells are very intolerant towards trickle charging.
Note: Some people have commented that this circuit is not "Smart enough" to charge a Li-Ion battery properly. As long as you don't discharge the battery below about 3.0v per cell, this circuit follows the Panasonic recommendations exactly. Below 2.9v/cell, the batteries will need to be trickle charged (0.1 C) until they reach 3.0v/cell. Discharge below 2.3v/Cell will damage the battery. The circuit will not overcharge the battery. When the battery is fully charged, the current drops to zero (actually, the leakage current of the battery.) It will maintain the charged state forever. I have left cells on this charger for months.
You won't find a 250 Ohm or a 580 Ohm resistor outside your sim and component tolerances means you need a trimmer.
You cannot just use a resistor as a current limiter the way you do, it will F*up your charge voltage as well.
Since you just asked if it would work, I assume you didn't want a solution.
I'm not trying to discourage you in any way, just keep you from ruining your cells and burning down your home
What is the trimmer You've mentioned above?
You cannot just use a resistor as a current limiter the way you do, it will F*up your charge voltage as well.Quote from: newInRobotics on February 03, 2011, 03:30:04 AMHow would it affect voltage?
How would it affect voltage?
Quote from: newInRobotics on February 03, 2011, 03:30:04 AM What is the trimmer You've mentioned above?Google variable resistor or potentiometer
Use ohms law to calculate the voltage drop across the resistor. This'll change as your charging current changes.]
Initially, I was willing to use 0.4C charging current just to be on the safe side (I might raise it slightly, because charging time on 0.4C would be quite long). I could implement secondary circuit for flat batteries, ore I could use 3.1V cut-off circuit that would go together with battery pack.
My design is based on this one. And according to the author:QuoteNote: Some people have commented that this circuit is not "Smart enough" to charge a Li-Ion battery properly. As long as you don't discharge the battery below about 3.0v per cell, this circuit follows the Panasonic recommendations exactly. Below 2.9v/cell, the batteries will need to be trickle charged (0.1 C) until they reach 3.0v/cell. Discharge below 2.3v/Cell will damage the battery. The circuit will not overcharge the battery. When the battery is fully charged, the current drops to zero (actually, the leakage current of the battery.) It will maintain the charged state forever. I have left cells on this charger for months.
I guess I need to prototype my charger and use one test cell to see what happens if I leave it on charge for longer time.
Solution or at least guidance towards it is always useful. Share Your wisdom please
Quote from: want2learn on February 03, 2011, 04:49:14 PMQuote from: newInRobotics on February 03, 2011, 03:30:04 AM What is the trimmer You've mentioned above?Google variable resistor or potentiometerWhy not just say so in first place? Thanks.
In the end, I would know how battery explosion looks like Smiley
I am here again with my silly questions
After some research I've came up with another circuit that in my opinion (of course it might be very much wrong) does not suffer from voltage drop. Here it is:
Your circuit could be improved by a BC547 or similar small signal transistor controlling the voltage regulating LM317 (i.e. U1 would not be needed and you could cut the input voltage down to say 7.5V).
I've made small changes to my circuit (apart from cut off and trickle charge mode) according to Your guide. I am a bit confused with where I should place transistor? Is it in the right place?
Study Q2 of this circuit this circuitThe circuit, as it is, won't work for a Lithium cell without changing component values - and adding the mentioned safety circuits, but it shows the current limit by a transistor).
R7 is a current sensing resistor. According to Lithium Ion Rechargeable Batteries Technical Handbook produced by Sony (maker of batteries that I have) charging must be terminated when charging current drops to "1C/20mA", that means - for 1 cell that is 2000mAh, charge termination has to take place when charging current is 100mA (0.1A).At 0.1A charging current voltage drop across R7 is 0.1A x 0.05ohm = 0.005V(5mV).Thanks to Current Sensor tutorial video I've understood how to measure current in a circuit.Op-Amp (LM358) takes that 5mV and amplifies to 3.5V.Another Op-Amp (LM358) with a reference voltage of 3.5V (created by R5 and R6) compares it's two inputs and saturates to high side if reference voltage is lower than another input voltage.Risen voltage activates thyristor (D1), hence letting current go through the coil of relay that in turn breaks the circuit and terminates charging.Am I correct?
[..] when charging current drops to "1C/20mA", that means - for 1 cell that is 2000mAh, charge termination has to take place when charging current is 100mA (0.1A).
Quote from: newInRobotics on February 10, 2011, 06:24:02 PM[..] when charging current drops to "1C/20mA", that means - for 1 cell that is 2000mAh, charge termination has to take place when charging current is 100mA (0.1A).You must have mistyped this, as C is the capacity (Ah or mAh) and mAh/mA = h.C/20, which is 5% or in your case and that sound like an OK termination current.There is no reason for writing 1C as 1C, C and C1 is the same.
Quote from: Soeren on February 20, 2011, 08:28:02 AMQuote from: newInRobotics on February 10, 2011, 06:24:02 PM[..] when charging current drops to "1C/20mA", that means - for 1 cell that is 2000mAh, charge termination has to take place when charging current is 100mA (0.1A).You must have mistyped this, as C is the capacity (Ah or mAh) and mAh/mA = h.C/20, which is 5% or in your case and that sound like an OK termination current.There is no reason for writing 1C as 1C, C and C1 is the same. "1C/20mA" is an actual quote from the datasheet
Standard charge time for charging cells to their rated capacity is 2.5 hours at acharging voltage of 4.20 V/cell and charging current of 1C. However, when charginga battery pack the charging time (until the charging current falls to either1C/20mA) will vary with the internal impedance of the battery pack and contactresistance of the battery terminals. The differences in charging time for differentinternal impedances and charging currents are indicated in Figures 34 and 35respectively.
The real mistake here is a combo. They made a mistake similar to mine, but it was their strange formulation that tricked you...Quote from: Data Sheet p. 27Standard charge time for charging cells to their rated capacity is 2.5 hours at acharging voltage of 4.20 V/cell and charging current of 1C. However, when charginga battery pack the charging time (until the charging current falls to either1C/20mA) will vary with the internal impedance of the battery pack and contactresistance of the battery terminals. The differences in charging time for differentinternal impedances and charging currents are indicated in Figures 34 and 35respectively.The "either" gives it awayThey should have (and probably meant to) written "until the charging current falls to either 1C or 20mA