I have serious doubts about this . . . for a start, it could be like a super capacitor. It stores huge amounts of power, and charges/discharges much quicker than a battery, but its *very* inefficient and can even could blow up if you discharge it too fast.
Now lets say you have a 4000mAh battery that's rated for 6V, and it charges in ~15 seconds (what the article reports). How many watts are passed at any point in time?
If I did the math right, assuming 100% efficiency, charging in 15 seconds, that's 5760 watts. What charger, or wire gauge, you think can handle that?! A regular PC only does ~100 watts. Its like having 57 PCs hooked up to a single wall socket - instant fire.
A car battery, say rated at 24V and 15000mAh, would be like 86400 watts (assuming 100% efficiency). Sure, it could charge that fast, but no home wall outlet could do that!