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1. I need to create a system that is about the size of a watch (or smaller, preferably).2. It needs to performing the basic function of counting up in minutes and hours, and display this time.3. Whenever on, it needs to count up. Whenever off, it needs to reset the counter.Can anyone help me figure out what components do I need for this? I have a vague idea, but I don't know specifics or terminology.
A few dollars of electronics will also get you the same thing. A micro controller might not even be needed. Look up a 555 timer - [...]
Hi,Quote from: Half Shell on September 04, 2009, 07:55:34 AMA few dollars of electronics will also get you the same thing. A micro controller might not even be needed. Look up a 555 timer - [...]And the display goes where?
Simple binary counter, and there are all analog circuits that can convert a given binary number to one of those LED matrixes
(I forget their actual name - they're all the number eight until they light up?) Yeah there are ICs for that. So yeah, my suggestion still works. It just won't be a fancy LCD screen.