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text-to-speech and speech recognition
« on: October 05, 2009, 11:27:09 AM »
Howdy, I've got a couple things I need your guys' advice on. I think I would like to implement speech recognition and text-to-speech on my robot. For the text-to-speech, I have been thinking of two things, either hack a sound chip with microphone from Radioshack or buy a text-to-speech module, this is what I have found so far. It's called the V-Stamp from RC Systems:
If you guys know about this module then I might get it since it seems pretty easy to use since it's USART and it's basically sending ASCII strings to the module and then it plays it. Problem is the module is $80 which I probably would not mind but it still pretty expensive.

For Speech recognition, i'm still a little iffy since people and my professors have told me that as far as they can remember, most of the speech recognition applications that people have used on their robots do not work. Do you guys know any that actually work?
Unfortunately, I have no experience in using signal processing for speech recognition using MatLab or anything software so if it is anything like a telephone voice text-to-speech module then that would fit fine.


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Re: text-to-speech and speech recognition
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2009, 01:22:07 AM »
For speech recognition, I've developed an algorithm back in my university years.

Here's a video (sorry it's in romanian, but you get the idea):

I've also studied the possibility of porting it to an ATMega mc, and it appears it can be done. So basically it would only require a small ATTiny85+electret mic. Hope to have time for this soon an post some results.

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Re: text-to-speech and speech recognition
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2009, 06:56:13 AM »
For speech recognition, I've developed an algorithm back in my university years.

Here's a video (sorry it's in romanian, but you get the idea):

I've also studied the possibility of porting it to an ATMega mc, and it appears it can be done. So basically it would only require a small ATTiny85+electret mic. Hope to have time for this soon an post some results.
Can you post this please? I'd be interested to take a look at it
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Re: text-to-speech and speech recognition
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2009, 01:07:35 AM »
I will post it after I port it to the Atmega168. Currently the algorithm is implemented on desktop platform and Windows Mobile:


So the work is almost done with promising results, but need to put it together in a nice article on my blog.

