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Good work overall and particular with the lathe work.
.cant wait too see a vid when its all done
By continually ranging to the Collar to determine the time-of-flight, the Havahart® Wireless electric fence system is able to track the real-time location of your dog.
Think as soon as we get some snow I'l get some videos
If you can't wait, just swing by for a test run...
I really enjoy following the progress
While you may have the snow to play with , I just got my hands on one of these
with 4 MHz encoder input frequency I can use high count encoders for velocity feedback. would be interesting to see how a 2usec sampling could be helpful for Dead reckoning,
best I can do now is @10msec.
also sweet is the unit will continue to track encoder inputs if USB is disconnectedas long as power is supplied, seems like a good way to make a incremental encoder act as an absolute one.
I just hope I do before it's too late.
Root problem #1: Rear Casters are not going to work. the best answer I can come up with is replacing casters with steerable rear drive wheel.
The encoder on the steering motor would be analog feedback(0deg=0Vdc, 359deg=5Vdc). on the drive motor
a standard 2000Cpr encoder would be used(counting both leading and trailing edges would give me 8000Cpr)Feel free to tell me I'm wrong...
You could just use non-castered wheels - no reason to steer them.Or perhaps shifting more of the weight towards them would help
You could just use non-castered wheels - no reason to steer them.
Quote from: Tommy on November 25, 2010, 06:29:51 AMI just hope I do before it's too late.
Quote from: SoerenI think snow is a yearly recurring event
back to the drawing board.
You didn't consider a spinning blade in between the wheels (like in a regular gas driven mower)?
The original design called for all attachments(plow,mower etc) to share a common three point connection format.
power needed to do a 40+" cut path in that style forced me to look outside the box.
I'd be the first to admit that the fraction drive ideas has only a 20% chance of giving me the results I need, but
the energy savings is worth the effort, on top of that the noise generated by the friction driven reel mowers isso low that the Mule could mow at night, leaving the days for charging batteries(solar cells).
wouldn't a shock absorber from a car going to each side of each mower solve the issue by pressing down on the far forward part of them?
If the solar cells are mounted onboard
normal compasses work fine around them...
has to be the CPU Fan now(I Think).
I'd think it was a capacitor related issue, as I've seen my share of PC's (even owned a couple of them) with worn down caps that needed a bit of warm-up before starting reliably.
Testing PCs for operation at low temperatures may be your only lower cost solution.