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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Contruction, and Contraptions
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2015, 10:06:43 AM »
 :) I appreciate your input, Mallster.
Back in the day, flashing the Eprom was considered a
permanent activity, not reprogramming like today's
MCUs.  :'( That is why I was concerned about the flashing concept,
because of the permanent implications.  I guess I will have to go out and
buy a seperate programmer  :'(  Something new to learn!  ;D ;D ;D
Thanks again!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 10:08:45 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Contruction, and Contraptions
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2015, 10:37:04 AM »
Axon series: Component Coding and Construction
While I was working on the programming end, I thought I would go ahead and
order a servo, or stepper motor from ServoCity. BUT, which one to
buy, that has header support in the Webbot Library? I went into the files
and looked up what Project Designer had to match up to the header file in
the library.
Project Designer has;
Generic Bipolar stepper motor
Generic L297 stepper motor
Pololu A4983 stepper motor
Stepper motor driver.

Did not see any selections for servos!  :'(
So, I will have to figure that out, if it presents a problem.
The library header file has the above supported,
and generic servo motor support. Specific manufacturers,
Devantach - SD21
Dynamixel - AX12.
With this in mind, I will have to meter out the correct motor to buy, to match up
with the software. (I am sure other devices(Generic devices) will work fine) ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 12:55:02 PM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Contruction, and Contraptions
« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2015, 05:45:55 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
In reviewing the Project Designer, I found the servos in the
actuator category.(on the left hand side of the screen)
Any device that you want to use, simply click on the device
and hold, drag and drop on the edit portion of the screen at
the bottom. A window will appear to ask you a lot of questions
about the item you selected, with a nice schematic of the device.
The device will then appear, added in the edit part of the screen at
the bottom.  8)  Sweet!  ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 06:06:43 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Contruction, and Contraptions
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2015, 03:07:30 PM »
Axon series: What is this thing?
Tried compiling and building the "Hello World!" file in AVR studio
to begin with, but got this error;  ???
gcc plug-in: No AVR Toolchain installation found. The AVR GCC plug-in can still be used if you set up your own build tools.   :'(
Soooo,  ??? I have to figure out what is going on here.
Found out, to run Webbot, you run the Webbot studio JAR executable file.
(Project Designer has a JAR executable too, to be able to run)
A lot of files to look at, had to choose the right one!  ;)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 03:09:00 PM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Contruction, and Contraptions
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2015, 09:05:01 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
Definitely ran into a problem! :'( The compilation process is
more involved than in the tutorials. :-X  Tried Webbot Studio,
and that was even more frustrating. :( Do not know what to
do to make the program compile properly. Will have to delve
into the software; see if I can find notes in any files to help me
out. No info in the tutorials. Will cross reference with other similar programs, to find out what is going on. :o Makes using the Axon, hard for me.
Hope I can work through this, make take awhile.  :'(

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Contruction, and Contraptions
« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2015, 10:02:48 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
OK,  :D I went back through my KDE C++ programming environment,
and also saw messages. NOW, some messages are critical, some
messages are not.(for user/author info) When I compiled the
source code file, no compilation errors occurred; just a message
like I posted earlier. SO, I will try to download the program into
the Axon anyway  :P, and hope I do not damage the MCU. If I destroy
the MCU, and do not find help or a resolution, that may end my
journey with the Axon series. :'(

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Contruction, and Contraptions
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2015, 03:00:02 PM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
Since the error pointed toward a toolchain problem, I looked
this up in AVR Studio. The help portion of the software indicated
that there would be some compilation messages if the project compiled
correctly. I did not see anything of the sort, when compiling my program. It also indicated that some other software(download) was needed to help build the rest of the files so the program could be built properly. :'( The setting up of all this is going to consume ALOT of time. :'(  ???  I sure thought that it would
be simpler than this,  >:( , but I will give it the best shot I can!  ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2015, 06:37:24 PM »
ya! back on line!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 06:47:38 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #38 on: April 21, 2015, 09:26:50 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
I have been delving deep into the programming end of the Axon  :D, and
have found similarities between this and the Beagle bone black.
Both have ARM architecture, and, it seems, that if you learn one,
you can learn the other(No time wasted). This is great!  ;D
An interface to the Axon from the beagle bone may be the perfect match, and would simplify programming in the more demanding robots.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 11:53:30 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #39 on: April 24, 2015, 05:08:23 PM »
Just saw this . . .

The Axon has a built in bootloader to let you program using USB, no need for a separate hardware programmer.

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #40 on: April 27, 2015, 01:13:28 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?

The Axon has a built in bootloader to let you program using USB, no need for a separate hardware programmer.
Awesome! I had some difficulty programming the Axon, so I went ahead and bought
an STK 500. I will have to delve more into the software interface in order to program the Axon directly from the PC. I know the answer is in the tutorials, and a matter of
making the proper adjustments in my computer. Thanks!  ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2015, 05:05:50 PM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?

I tried to program the Axon with AVR Studio 4, and it did not program.  :'( ( I connected the USB from the PC to the Axon mini-usb, but It could not communicate with the Axon.) I looked more into the program, and Studio wanted to know the base that I was using, and supplied STK 500. (I noticed the STK 500 file compiled in the message section.) ;) So I bought the STK 500 programmer. I will receive it soon, then use that to program the Axon.  ::) Hopefully, I will have better results. ;D

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #42 on: May 06, 2015, 08:44:36 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
OK, so I downloaded the hyperterminal software required to view feedback from the Axon.
I have never had good luck with hyperterminal; always get hung up on the phone selection.
 :o  (No pun intended;) ) Anyway, just plugging away at the setup, in which, I am  sure it
is simple.  ;D
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 08:46:27 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #43 on: May 07, 2015, 10:04:09 AM »
Axon series: Serial Data train assimilator
In my efforts to tokenize serial data by clock ticks of a processor,  ;)( Using a serial output from a basic stamp to a parallax propeller.) I tried to use the Sparkfun 3.3 Volt to 5 Volt level shifter. That did not work; :'( causes some kind of false triggering on the end feeding my basic stamp. SOoooo,  :P My back up plan is to use a operational amplifier as a window comparator, that WILL trigger when the input voltage is above the half voltage threshold, and will ground, when below the half voltage point. I have used this before to eliminate RF transients riding on the inputs. (small transients can trigger transistor logic.  :-X ) Can use this project for future projects requiring special serial input; will be able to decrypt any serial data train, hopefully.  ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 05:24:30 PM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #44 on: May 10, 2015, 11:22:16 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
OK, good news, well mostly. ???
Got the STK 500 programmer, and everything went fine. The programmer came from
Futian, Shenzhen Guangdong, China. I did not have a problem with the device at all.
There were setup instructions to use for hooking up to the Axon. You will need a 6 pin
adapter from the 10 pin cable from the
programmer, but that came with the unit. I
checked continuity with the ground on the Axon, to make sure that pin matched up
with the pinout instructions on the disk. The setup works without flaw in windows, did not
see a version for Linux.(  :'( )
The programmer "recognized" the Axon, but I still could not program to it. It wants a HEX
file, to download to it. SOooooo, more delving into the programming of the Axon. I will try
both avenues, the programmer and the straight to programming with the mini - usb.
I did get some results, which make me happy  ;D and sad  :'( at the same time. Not as
simple as I once thought.  :-[  I did see something interesting on the programmer; it had
lock out parameters you could enter. I wonder, is this used for commercial boards to prevent
someone taking your program? That would safeguard your software intellectual property. Always wanted to know how they did that;  :-X this must be the way, because, why have this extra hardware, when
every other board in the world programs straight to the board? So, I guess, this will become a
late Friday night, creature feature with pizza project for me, until I figure it out.  ;D ;D ;D
(Just an excuse to eat more pizza!   ;) )

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2015, 12:57:45 PM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
While I was watching Creature Feature Friday night(while eating pizza. ), I think I figured the programming out.(pizza is brain-food!  :o ) In one of the tutorials, you have to have a software bootloader to load your program into the Axon!  ??? (was to save $36 for a physical bootloader.) I went ahead and bought a bootloader, in which can be used; just need to create the hex file for the program to load into the Axon. If you do use a bootloader, you can always go back and use the software bootloader.(It overwrites the other one  ;D) The instructions say, "Download and install the .exe into the same folder that you have your compiled robot code." Does this mean that the bootloader is loaded automatically everytime with my program? Or, do I program the bootloader first, then my program?
I guess,  :-\ I will try to program the Axon directly with my physical bootloader, then use HyperTerminal to
try to get some feedback from it. Will try to get as much information that I can, so as not to blow the
Axon!  :'( :'(
It would appear that I have gone through ALOT of trouble just to program the board; have not even started to actually USE the Axon at this time. To compare in context, I was spoiled by Parallax; I could just load their software, and begin programming. The basic stamps were fun and easy; The Propeller, on the other hand, is challenging, depending on your applications. I was looking back through the program that I used to program the propeller, and it appears to me now, that they have the bootloader added to your program, and downloads when you program it automatically, AND brings up a terminal program for you, to interact with the MCU right then. I like this feature, because it gives instant feedback if my programming
actually works, and I can see the effect on the attached devices instantly. The processing power of
the Propeller is unmatched, and I have to admit, overshadows the Axon. BUT, each MCU has pros and cons, (features) that can be used to the programmers advantage. The great advantage of the Parallax propeller is an 8 cog (MCU) feature, each offering 20 MIPS per cog.
Fantastic programs have been created that take advantage of this. This is attributed to Parallax, but
also the programmers in the forum. In that context, I believe the Axon can be used to create fantastic programs too, if programmer(s) in this forum can contribute together. (not to imply that there are
not great programs already written.)  The Axon only has 1 cog, running at 16 MIPs. BUT, it has internal
features that run independently of the MCU, and do not take up valuable processing power.(time)
For instance, it may be able to "clock" an event, without tying up the count feature in the MCU,
but letting a timer handle the operation, by commands in registers. So, the Parallax propeller has
power, but the Axon may be able to approach the difference by clever programming. Languages
such as FORTH, have been adapted for the Parallax Propeller, to process at incredible speeds for that
class of MCU. It would be logical to expect that the same could be done for the Axon, enabling
faster programming and more options in applications.  ::)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 06:46:43 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #46 on: May 23, 2015, 01:36:46 PM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
I was looking through the AVR Studio 4 software, and found a feature of the software that is pretty cool.
When you open the software, on the right part of the screen, are the parts of the MCU that can be used.
This is the Axon simulator, which enables you to write a program in the software without actually
programming the Axon. This allows you to eliminate errors in your programming, while streamlining
the purpose of your application. The usage of the simulator requires more discipline in learning this
integration. The advantage of the simulator  is that you can program the Axon anywhere with your PC, without the
physical interface.
   8) You have to set up all the external items (motors, switches) with input files allocated in
the simulator. When running the program in the real world, if the external items you used do not come close to the parameter input file you set up, things could get interesting in troubleshooting.  :o 
« Last Edit: May 24, 2015, 04:26:48 PM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #47 on: May 25, 2015, 01:34:53 PM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
I tried programming with the bootloader that I bought. All C++ files compiled right, no bad messages,
and the bootloader communicated to the Axon II. I could look through the board information that was presented to the child window from the bootloader. I was to the point of programming, and thought, that when I
recompiled the source program, a hex file was made. - Wrong!  :'(  So I tried to find some software that converted
my program to hex.  ??? Good try, but no cookie.  :'( SOoooooooooo, I backed up to try to see if the bootloader
had any secrets that would help. I will try to search out and find out what is going on. Everything works,  ;D I
just need to get the program in the Axon!  :-[ ( I also tried going directly to the Axon from my PC, and it does not
recognize it, so that implies a driver needed,   :) loaded the virtual com port software, will try again.  ;) )
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 10:01:40 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #48 on: May 26, 2015, 09:43:40 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
Found this information when surfing the internet, about Hex files at;
Generating Intel Hex Files
We have a binary of the application, but how do we get it into the processor? Most (if not all) programmers will not accept a GNU executable as an input file, so we need to do a little more processing. The next step is to extract portions of the binary and save the information into .hex files. The GNU utility that does this is called avr-objcopy.
The ROM contents can be pulled from our project's binary and put into the file demo.hex using the following command:
    $ avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex demo.elf demo.hex

The resulting demo.hex file contains:
The -j option indicates that we want the information from the .text and .data segment extracted. If we specify the EEPROM segment, we can generate a .hex file that can be used to program the EEPROM:
    $ avr-objcopy -j .eeprom --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex demo.elf demo_eeprom.hex
There is no demo_eeprom.hex file written, as that file would be empty.
 :o  OK, well, I am working on it. If anybody has ANY ideas at this point, I sure would appreciate it.  8)
I scoured my computer for a hex file anywhere, and it was not generated, even though the wizard
option file was checked for compiling a hex file. One thing is for sure; I have learned more about
PIC processor programming than I did in school!  8) ;)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 09:45:13 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2015, 02:09:27 PM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
I found a great forum where common questions about the internals of the ATmega
microcontrollers and related MCU's are presented. Interfacing Bluetooth, UART communication
problems, and writing your Axon program to provide a HEX file;
Hopefully, I can go ahead and work out the kinks in whatever problem I have that I am not aware of,  :o and start programming the Axon.  :'( One thing is for sure, I have stepped in every possible hole a person
could step into,  :P in trying to program the Axon. AFTER I figure this out, no one should have a problem
programming the Axon, if they go through my post!  ;) :) :D ;D
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 02:10:55 PM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #50 on: June 17, 2015, 07:07:00 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
It is ALOT of work getting into programming the Axon. :P  BUT, the rewards are more than I
realized. I found that my washing machine does have a MCU very similar to the atmega line
of processors.( ;) could make my own washing machine controller!) Electronic setup is very
similar, on the control board. ;D I also found an Atel MCU on a control board, that controls
a generator switch panel!   ;) There is no telling where else this line of processors are!   :-X
To get some real world programming code, I could extract the code from machines that have
these processors, and look at the code to see how they used the internals of the processor, to give me a better understanding of how to program these types of MCUs.  8) Cool!
When you download the AVR studio and Webbot package, you get access to the entire line of this type of MCU's, plus a simulator to run the program (virtually) in AVR Studio. You can use the hobby of the Axon programming to decipher the internal workings of machines that have the processor. ;) An added plus, is that if you buy a hardware bootloader, you can program the whole line of these processors! (I think,  ??? )
I will try to read the switch panel MCU controller; hopefully they did not put a "lock" on the processor. :'(
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 08:10:57 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #51 on: June 23, 2015, 05:39:16 PM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
I reloaded the gnu tools, and upgraded to Atmel Studio 6.2, and VOILA! I created a sample program
the software already had for a sample; compiled it, build it (5 seconds total) and the HEX file was
  ;D  Joy - Joy !  ;D It took almost FOREVER to download every server program available with
the main software, but oh boy! This software has got features out the gazu!  ;D
Very easy to make a project, compile, build, and make a downloadable HEX file!
Now, I have to see if my own project can be built, and then downloaded. that will be the real test.
Did not need the project designer software; 6.2 must have created what was needed,(?)
with the settings of the pins and all. (  ??? )
But, at least, I have a HEX file. If nothing else, I could make the hex file with the 6.2, then download
the hex file with 4.o version using my bootloader. On to the next adventure!  :P
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 07:58:41 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #52 on: July 08, 2015, 08:55:35 AM »
Axon Series: What is this thing?
I am working on learning the programming of the Studio 6.2 commands, and will post
a program that tests most of the pins of the Axon. I will then proceed to make a
program that is a simple PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) program. I want to
fully document why and what program component does what, so hopefully, anyone
can use the program immediately to their benefit.
On another note, I was looking through the line of other Atmel MCUs' and was surprised at
the power, portability, and price of the smaller MCUs. A tiny brand Atmel has 2 PWM pins and
runs close to 12 MIPS(Million instructions per Second), and costs $1.45 each. With 8 of these
on a single board with memory, you may be able to approach the capability of a Parallax Propeller. The PWM does not "bog" down the MCU time, so this make the chip highly attractive for programming robotic purposes. If a software protocol like FORTH was used,
the processing speed would increase, if the arrangement could be done.  8)

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #53 on: July 09, 2015, 12:21:23 PM »
Axon II & Axon Mote - Building your own droid Army(flying, walking, Etc,.)
Since I have overcome the HEX file problem, I am looking ahead for putting together layered
projects, that once combined(some coding form or fashion), should serve to work together
in a Droid army. Like playing chess, I am trying to plan the architecture of the end product, so
everything I construct(or buy) is not a waste of time. But any one component/construction can be used
separately as an off project, in case someone needs something(voice control). I went ahead and
bought a Raspberry pi 2, and so, I will try to incorporate that in to a supervisor robot with
the Axon II and Axon mote. That is the plan, anyway;  :P  So now you have an idea of where I am
going, so you can be sure I am not wasting everybody's time on this post. AND, build robotic
skills. I will probably use a home PC to control the home robots (Axon II/Axon motes) for my
Garden and home automation.(automation for my mother's house too.  ;) ) The Raspberry Pi
will be used at work, for repairs/troubleshooting. Another Raspberry Pi will be used for my
robot supervisor, and sub-bots(rename to Minions; after the movie!  ;D ) The cost of a supervisor robot
with at least 3 minions will be $500 approx.;not counting the servos and parts.(my labor does not count  :'( )
( 8) I might name all my robots minions:o , the supervisor robot has a construction hat!!  8)  )
Other uses include - small manufacturing, (3 - d) astronomy hobbies, and  personal assistant(s).
OR, you could use all of the components to make a very sophisticated  humanoid robot, like Chappie!
Since the cost is large(to my pocketbook), maybe the price will be "easier to swallow" over time;
 the rewards of programming and learning definitely (my opinion,  :-X ) are worth it. (it is fun!!)  ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 07:34:46 AM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #54 on: August 06, 2015, 10:32:38 AM »
Analyzing the Axon Series: What is this thing?
Other products have been introduced, that (it seems) most of the world is using, one
in particular, the ardunio boards. I looked at the ardunio boards, and they ALL use
Atmel processors. These processors are made by the same company that make the Atmega
for the Axon. It seems logical to assume that the AVR Studio 6 may be able to program
those Ardunio boards.(?) This is yet, another reason to stick with the Axon. There is a Atmel simulator
in the AVR Studio 6 which may enable a programmer to program in any Atmel processor, before
they even use it.  ;D
There are programs written for the Raspberry Pi that is used with the Ardunio boards, so it may not be
too much of a stretch to say that these programs may be able to be used with the Axon. This would
free up any Axon programmer for this task.
Using the Raspberry Pi as the brains, the axon for member control, it may be a "snap" to make a huminoid
robot, especially with the batteries available; Powerplus - 13600 Mah battery with 500 ampere peak current
output. depending on your robot, 5 of these (65 amps per hour!) could run your "terminator" robot!!!  8)

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #55 on: August 09, 2015, 03:11:47 PM »
I skimmed the last few posts... if you have specific questions, e.g. programming the Axon/Axon2, there's way too much stuff here for anyone to help you in a timely manner, so you'd be best off making a new thread to address a specific issue you are having.

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #56 on: August 11, 2015, 06:16:03 AM »
 ;D Hello!
Thank you Gertlex for your input.
I have thought about starting another thread, but observed some issues with that perspective.
I have looked through the forum, and found some nuggets that are very helpful. I could not find
much on the discussion of actual programming, problems therein, architecture of the Axon,
or any support directed at the Axon, from a newbie's point of view.
So, I thought, I would record my journey through the Axon construction/programming. This thread,
while lengthy, can (I hope) provide one stop for information that any newbies (like me) would need
to use, without scanning through 4 hours of posts; then maybe you will find it.  :'(
I have only found 2 people who actually discussed programming code on this forum. I have communicated with
other newbies who love the Axon, but are in the same boat I am in.  :'(
If there is ANY information that you have on beginning to code the Axon, I am all ears! I would appreciate your
help!   ;D

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #57 on: November 21, 2015, 12:59:44 PM »
 :) Hello!
I had to revamp my entire programming structure, to accommodate a more advanced
robotic/diagnostic setup. I have incorporated 2 Raspberry Pi 2s,3 basic stamps(parallax),
1 Axon, and a Parallax propeller.(Just need a FPNN, and it will be complete!) Whew!  :o I have a lot of projects to do, and with the holidays coming up, I am hoping I will have some time to program a little of everything, especially the Axon!  ;) :) :D ;D

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #58 on: December 06, 2015, 12:04:29 PM »
 ;D Hello, and Happy Holidays!  ;D
I got some information from another person in this forum, FIFO, and his post;

I would check out the AVR Freaks forum. It is active, and I have found and used several useful tutorials written by some if its members. Here is the link:

I checked out the post, and a lot of answers are in this link. So, if you need more info on the programming and Atmel processors in general, that is the spot. When I finally figure out what is going on, I will post
the complete process. I will figure it out, then try it again on a pristine system, to make sure I did not
skip any processes.  8) On another note, I found a great little FPGA board, called Mimas.
Runs about $34, and, I think, is a great start on programming the FPGA boards without too much
time commitment.  ???

« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 12:08:22 PM by mklrobo »

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Re: Analyzing the Axon series: Coding, Construction, and Contraptions
« Reply #59 on: December 06, 2015, 08:29:14 PM »
On another note, I found a great little FPGA board, called Mimas.
Runs about $34, and, I think, is a great start on programming the FPGA boards without too much
time commitment.

    That looks very interesting. I have been looking at learning FPGAs myself, I haven't actually started experimenting with them, but I have found a lot of useful tutorials for getting started with them. Here are some links to a short tutorial series on FPGAs by Hackaday:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

    One thing that is nice about this tutorial is that it works with a low cost dev board from Lattice Semiconductor, the iCEstick, which is approximately $20.

    When looking for FPGA tutorials, I came across this video tutorial series by PyroElectro for CPLDs I found this tutorial series very informative and useful.

    Hopefully you will find one or both of these tutorials helpful or interesting.