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If code examples are given with the algorithms then they should be in c for both the AVR and the Pic that will cover most the the projects people do here. Those are the primary controllers used. Others exist but the people who use those can easily convert from C. So to benefit the most people I think C examples should be used.
it will be microcontroller based not computer based
i dont think its appropriate to let other people make money out of it while we are the ones who did it,,right?
heres what I plan to do:review everyones article Those that are accepted will make their way into the bookIt will first be a free ebook and then I will try to arrange it to become a paperback book.Please note that if I invest money into making it a paperback book I will keep the profits ( which I don't expect to be a lot ) If it becomes a lot of money in profits I will then give some money to those who wrote articles.If someone else wants to join me and invest into making this a book ( that means putting in money and a ton of time to get it published) contact me . I feel that only those who invest time and money into publishing the book deserve to keep the small profit I think will emerge. This paperback will come out after the free ebook.I ( and hopefully other people will join)will do a ton of work and invest the money that is needed to go from writings to book. If the book is a success and there is a lot of profits than maybe some money will go to the authors. . Authors may or may not get paid in the end , but those who invest money into it have a greater chance of getting paid. Is everyone cool with that?
I thought this was an algorithm reference manual sorta thing not a newbie 50 projects to do with robotics book? I thought this was going to be more like a standard programming language reference manual. Just page after page of algorithm examples and math calculations with short descriptions. That way when I need to implement A* into my robot I go to the A* section look over the math and pseudo code. Then use that to start programing the module I want for my robot. I don't want to know how you tested it or what electronics you used. (maybe a link to a tutorial on the robot you built to test it) But the book should just be about the algorithms and implementation on those. Or at least that was my understanding
The "legal document" doesn't have to be much. It is just a paper detailing out the terms and conditions of submitting an article for publication. Anyone could write it just something that can be mailed or emailed and faxed back that has a signature on it before an article is used. Its just a formality that covers everyone from misunderstanding.
My points of view:1) the book should be a book of algoythms and not complete pojects (were not interested in a gripper, just the algorythms that are used. Do they have a name? surely if you have a good algorythm and progress it, it can be used for more things than just a gripper. Controlling a gripper is a program and not an algorythm so work out what algorythms are working in the program then give them a name say what they do and submit them).
But it's even impossible to find good completed projects that cleanly describe what the micro is doingand help the reader learn...