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Whats the point of having thee ultrasonic sensor pointing down to me its more logical to have it t a lower level and looking straight... with it pointing down you are going to have to program it exactly because of the floor.... got to mmember tutorials and go to dvd case bot its somewhere around there its very similar to what your wanting to build
but doesn't an ultrasionic sensor only measure distance..... plus to have something follow a line the most commmon way is by some type of light sensor and well even if you had one it would be to far you could maybe use computer vision or somthing but i dont see the ultrasonic sensor working
actually it wouldn't be a bad idea to try to put those twom ideas together for one bot
I switched a couple of parts.
I think it would definaltely work another idea is to make the arm to were it rotates and add the ultrasonic on the arm or even add it under were the electronics go looking out... I may be wrong but it looks like your going to have enough space for your power souce under there too..... if not i would try to by maybe raising the platform up a couple of inches
dont use something u can cut yourself with and if you get something that can charge get a pack that you can plug it right into it
Hey - Im going to make some comments on your design. They may seem negative - but think of them as constructive 1. The axles for your wheels seem to be coming out of the middle of the base !! Where are the servo/motors? Above or below the base (they cant be inside!)2. How will your robot turn? Since we dont know where the servos are then we dont know which are the drive wheels - back or front. So lets say your robot wants to do a 180 degree spin then how will it do it as all those extra wheels don't turn? 3. Ground clearance looks negligible. May hit the side of a rug and ground itself. This may be ok if the robot is working only on a smooth surface - but you dont say what environment it will work in.If you are convinced the design is correct then all I would say is - build it (without any electronics/servos/motors etc), but it on the ground, and try to make it turn - it won't !! Back to the drawing board.
Oh the motors will be on the same base as the battery's i am new at SketchUp, The tires will be bigger as well like i said in the picture, the robot will use dc motors and turn by using the same design as this robot there will be four. ^_^And well the rest is explanatory ^_^
@Webbot It will turn , but not smoothly. Imagine how a tank drives. Now remove the threads on the tank . The wheels are still very close to each other on the sides. Now if we make the entire right side go backward and the entire left side go forward it will turn.
just make sure your wheels are really really close to each other this will workthis will not
It is not going to be just like that, that was my second time using SketchUp, i will try to make one that will look just like i have it here
ahh much better! What kind of motors are those?