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so for $27.98 on i can get everything i need to start? do i need like a usb cord or....? Do i need a fast computer becouse my laptop is 256MB ram and is old...
ya it has a 9 pin. so it dose come with the cable?
gearmotion, how much do those boards cost? i think i really need to buy one sometime.
yes. if you are a noob at something the last thing you would want to have to do is go out and look for all these strange named components that you have never heard of. i think that if one store stocked a "kit" containing all the components for the $50 robot it would be great!
Sooo...Now that the the $50 robot can be bought as a "kit" does that mean the authenticity of saying that something like "Its not from a kit" or "I made it without a kit" still apply?Everyone, including myself, who has made the $50 robot up to this point had to buy the parts from digikey or mouser as separate components, not all packaged together in a kit. IMO, a $50 robot kit somewhat destroys that "building your first robot without a kit" kind of experience.
That's not much of a kit... just for convenience a package that contains all the components, you still have to put everything together.My reccomendation is add another chip socket, that is the first thing most people solder and also the first thing most people mess up.
Thanks. The kit has a few more extra parts in it, and costs less than what you would pay for the parts at Digikey.These are the parts:Kit Item QuantityPrinted Circuit Board 1ATmega8 AVR, DIP package 1Socket for ATmega8 1CdS Photoresistors (matching) 25V Linear Regulator 1Red LED 5Green LED 5Yellow LED 51.62 k ohm Resistor 8340 ohm Resistor 830 position single in-line header 3220 uF Capacitor 1.1 uF Capacitor 3Lead-free Solder 36 inchesMisc wire, 24 gauge, solid 20 feet