Author Topic: Lynxmotion Johnny 5 Robot Kit [for sale]  (Read 13533 times)

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Lynxmotion Johnny 5 Robot Kit [for sale]
« on: June 10, 2012, 04:55:29 PM »

I bought this for my son so that he could program the thing when it was built, but he has no intention of building it. It's been gathering dust in his closet.

Most of it is still in the original packaging. He put a few pieces together, and then he got a coding job that pays him money, so he forgot all hobbies, and thus, his robot.

This is copied right from the receipt from last Christmas:

URS-02   Ping))) Ultrasonic Range Sensor   1   

J5C-KT   Johnny 5 Combo Kit   1   

BAT-01   12.0 Volt Ni-MH 1600mAh Battery Pack   1   

USC-02   6.0 - 12vdc Ni-CD & Ni-MH Universal Smart Charger   1   

BAT-05   6.0 Volt Ni-MH 2800mAh Battery Pack   1   

USB2S-01   USB-to-Serial Adapter Cable   1   

I know that I have no history on this forum, as I have little interest in robots, so I would prefer to process any transactions through; I will pay the fees so that anyone interested is comfortable with the transaction.

Please email me at info(at) if you would like to discuss this further.