Author Topic: DC-DC Ripple LC Filters For Sale  (Read 12622 times)

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DC-DC Ripple LC Filters For Sale
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:01:33 PM »

This ultra compact LC Filter is great for up to moderate levels of DC noise caused by things such as motors and switching power supplies that cause issues with other electronics, I.E. lines on a video feed being powered from the same power source that is powering a motor such as would be found in FPV setups or Robots.  We have also included a signal connection so that the majority of video cameras and video transmitters could be plug-and-play connected without any soldering other then to connect the LC Filter to a power source.

Features include reverse voltage protection, dual connections for both your camera and TX, and a signal path to connect the camera to the TX, and a sleek black PCB.


  • Dimensions: L: 0.95" (24.1mm), W: 0.8" (20.3mm), H: 0.63" (16mm)
  • Weight: 6.3 GRAMS
  • Input Voltage: Maximum 16VDC
  • Output Current: Maximum 1A

You too can have one of our awesome LC Filters for the reasonable price of $12.95 USD including shipping to US, for orders outside of US extra shipping charges will apply.

We are currently setting up our website, so orders can currently be placed via paypal:

If you are outside of the US please PM me to work out shipping options (free shipping to US only)