Author Topic: ER1 Microsoft VX Webcam Mount - 3D Printed  (Read 15338 times)

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Offline AaroneusTopic starter

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ER1 Microsoft VX Webcam Mount - 3D Printed
« on: January 06, 2016, 02:32:02 PM »
Hi there folks! This is my first post to SoR.

I've designed, modeled, and 3D printed a mount for using a Microsoft VX Webcam with an ER1 robot. The reason is that the KritterCam that comes with the ER1 is dated, and a fellow robotics enthusiast suggested that I upgrade the webcam. I thought it was a good idea and also a good excuse to practice my newfound skills in CAD. Just finished last term a 2D CAD class at the local CC.

The video is on my Facebook page, the date: 1/6/2016. The link: