Author Topic: some robot videos  (Read 15344 times)

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Offline MagnusWoottonTopic starter

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some robot videos
« on: December 12, 2024, 09:05:54 PM »
I've been wanting to put a robo together for years now,   but I'm really sick from smoking cigarettes so I still haven't got it finished.

I've got a really cool innovation I want to share with you guys about getting rid of the motor encoders and how it shouldn't matter, robots dont actually need them!!!  I'll bring it up sometime here in the near future.

This is work over the last couple of years->

Heres a virtual sim of my bot going (I paid a bit of attention to the look of the graphics.)  But the main thing is the physics being correct, and its a bit dodgy still, the robot is just moving with random motions.
The end product would be the two robots having a fight on screen, in a virtual environment.

Heres another one with the graphics taken off, of the two robots upside randomly moving.

(Computer vision)
heres a stereo rgb -> depth map on the gpu.  (ran pretty bad, theres alot of matches to do!)

Heres a little robot kit i put together and got some random movements out of it->

