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Guest 02:32:22 AM Viewing the topic Nachi AR controller settings?.
Guest 02:32:22 AM Viewing the topic Robot Project (Need Help).
Guest 02:32:22 AM Viewing the topic atmel timer syntax.
Guest 02:32:21 AM Viewing the topic Regarding Motor Selection.
Guest 02:32:20 AM Viewing the topic suggest forum mods and member tutorial mods.
Guest 02:32:19 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:32:19 AM Viewing the topic the livingrimoire AGI software design pattern is a new way to code.
Guest 02:32:19 AM Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 02:32:18 AM Viewing the topic how to use heatsink.
Guest 02:32:17 AM Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 02:32:16 AM Viewing the topic $50 Robot with AVR ISP mkII 6 pin.
Guest 02:32:15 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:32:15 AM Viewing the topic Homemade Bluetooth Module.
Guest 02:32:14 AM Viewing the topic VC++ programming for I2C bus and SRF08.
Guest 02:32:14 AM Printing the topic "Eagle3D is now open sourced".
Guest 02:32:14 AM Viewing the topic Robot Dynamics Tutorial- Units query.
Guest 02:32:13 AM Logging into the forum.
Guest 02:32:13 AM Viewing the topic Locomotive style drive arm.
Guest 02:32:13 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:32:13 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:32:12 AM Viewing the topic Universal Objects Database.
Guest 02:32:12 AM Viewing the topic bootloader compatible with linux & mac?.
Guest 02:32:10 AM Viewing the topic SoR Project: standardization for robots.
Guest 02:32:10 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:32:10 AM Viewing the topic Final Year Project-How to make a RF remote control car that can power 72v motor.
Guest 02:32:09 AM Viewing the topic Instant Message Group.
Guest 02:32:08 AM Viewing the topic what robot platform?.
Guest 02:32:07 AM Viewing the topic forum upgrade problems, found a bug?.
Guest 02:32:06 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:32:05 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:32:03 AM Viewing the topic Suggestions for small, really small robots.
Guest 02:32:01 AM Viewing the topic Giant Robot! (Giant Spider-bot).
Guest 02:32:01 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:59 AM Viewing the board Misc.
Guest 02:31:56 AM Viewing the topic My $50 Robot.
Guest 02:31:56 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:31:55 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:54 AM Viewing the topic need help, down to the wire.
Guest 02:31:54 AM Viewing the topic hall effect sensors.
Guest 02:31:53 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:52 AM Viewing the topic arduino board help plz.
Guest 02:31:51 AM Viewing the topic Waving detection for Halloween animatronics.
Guest 02:31:50 AM Viewing the topic Sonar reliability.
Guest 02:31:49 AM Viewing the topic Microcontroller not responding.
Guest 02:31:48 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:47 AM Viewing the topic Robot Clubs in the Hamilton Ont. Area.
Guest 02:31:47 AM Viewing the topic perfect for evil robot eyes.
Guest 02:31:45 AM Viewing the topic connecting a lazer range finder to a linear actuator,.
Guest 02:31:45 AM Requesting a password reminder.
Guest 02:31:45 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:45 AM Viewing the topic An robot arm as schoolproject, is that a good idea?.
Guest 02:31:44 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:31:44 AM Viewing the topic Waving detection for Halloween animatronics.
Guest 02:31:42 AM Viewing the topic Robot motor selection high torque, low speed, small size..
Guest 02:31:42 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:42 AM Viewing the topic How to control 5 steppers with 1 arduino?.
Guest 02:31:41 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:41 AM Viewing the topic Build your robots by yourself.
Guest 02:31:41 AM Unknown Action
Guest 02:31:41 AM Viewing the topic Misty II robot news.
Guest 02:31:40 AM Searching the forum.
Guest 02:31:39 AM Viewing the topic First attempt at a RC bot, PLEASE help! :-).
Guest 02:31:39 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:37 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:36 AM Viewing the board Mechanics and Construction.
Guest 02:31:35 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:31:34 AM Printing the topic "science papers on robotics, free!".
Guest 02:31:34 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:33 AM Viewing the topic Robotics PHd Program.
Guest 02:31:32 AM Viewing the topic Electric unicycle . .
Guest 02:31:31 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:31:29 AM Viewing the topic more biped robots.
Guest 02:31:28 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:31:27 AM Viewing the topic UART and scanf. Please help..
Guest 02:31:27 AM Requesting a password reminder.
Guest 02:31:25 AM Viewing the topic SOR community project?.
Guest 02:31:25 AM Viewing the topic Help getting GPS working with Arduino radio link.
Guest 02:31:23 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:31:22 AM Viewing the topic Please Help!!!! L297&l298n.
Guest 02:31:21 AM Viewing the topic Motivated autonomous robot.
Guest 02:31:20 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:19 AM Viewing the topic witch hunt against robots.
Guest 02:31:19 AM Printing the topic "Waving detection for Halloween animatronics".
Guest 02:31:19 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:31:18 AM Viewing the topic Content SOR.
Guest 02:31:17 AM Unknown Action
Guest 02:31:17 AM Viewing the topic My Female Android Robot Project Update..
Guest 02:31:17 AM Viewing the topic Maryland Robotics Day, Oct 25, 2013.
Guest 02:31:17 AM Viewing the topic 12v dc motor off and on continuously.
Guest 02:31:16 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:15 AM Viewing the board index of Society of Robots - Robot Forum.
Guest 02:31:15 AM Viewing the board Mechanics and Construction.
Guest 02:31:13 AM Viewing the topic issues installing WebbotLib Project Designer?.
Guest 02:31:13 AM Viewing the topic lipo info.
Guest 02:31:12 AM Viewing the topic some robot videos.
Guest 02:31:11 AM Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 02:31:10 AM Viewing the topic Need suggestion on connecting the mbed and a wireless module with RS232.
Guest 02:31:10 AM Viewing the topic Wireless positioning project.
Guest 02:31:09 AM Requesting a password reminder.
Guest 02:31:08 AM Viewing the topic Underwater Sonars & Calibration (Using MaxBotix MB7092 Water Resistant Model).
