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I was just wondering who this circuit really work as in this there is no information provided for MOSFET whether its N or p-channel MOSFET ...?
I personally discourage making your own drivers, and recommend just buying them. They have gotten really cheap in the last year.This is my schematic for back when I used to make them:
Hi,Is that MOS that are indicated on fig??IRF540N->>
I think using resistance at gate will decrease speed to to large capacitance across MOSFET gate itself(inbuilt)
and i want to use 24V with uC...
Will this schematic will work fine.......?
and what should best PWM freq ...??
...and i am not using Capacitor as shown in upper side of P- MOS!!
he noise is a byproduct of a PWM frequency less than 20kHz.
Quotedirect connection of wires to gnd and 5VIs 5V enough to fully turn on the FET? Is your circuit shown in the chain above?
direct connection of wires to gnd and 5V
Is 5V enough to fully turn on the FET? Is your circuit shown in the chain above?