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I want that drivetrain. so quick and accurate.
Hey folks! Here's a little something I built about a month ago, but couldn't get enough time from college to write about it. Well, it's an object tracking camera panner which tracks any object moving in close range. Unlike my previous method for object tracking, this technique will track almost any moving object, irrespective of its color, using two lasers for edge detection. Depending on which laser is focused on the object, the computer decides which direction to drive. I came up with this idea after watching a video on SoR (Society of Robots) of a sumo robot, called Stampy. Stampy uses a single IR rangefinder for edge detection. Watch the video below: used lasers instead of IR rangefinders. My initial plan was to use a single laser..but then it occurred to me that I would have to shake the laser left/right continuously for tracking the trailing edge of an object. So, I decided to go with two lasers instead of one.
I bought this laser pointer two years ago but just never got around to adding it to any of my robots . . . appears that this guy beat me to it!autonomous[youtube=425,350]5_nGnjVByCw[/youtube]remote control[youtube=425,350]FgBQZ54nQho[/youtube]the description of his robot is here: how he uses a camera and the laser pointer to find objects (neat idea!)
your link is 404. but i'm pretty sure you mean this