I have completely rebuild my ISP head, re-verify all connectivity to be conform with the 50$ bot schema, all was ok.
But i get the flashing orange led with avr studio.
Reading the AVRISP MKII userguide i see i can use the stk500.exe command line it's what i do... surprise green led appears.
I have an other problem now...
C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\STK500>STK500.EXE -cUSB -dATmega8 -e -iehold_se
rvo.hex -pe -ve
STK500 command line programmer, v 2.2 Atmel Corp (C) 2004-2005.
Connected to STK500 V2 on port USB:0000B0024075
Device parameters loaded
Programming mode entered
Device erased
EEPROM input file read
EEPROM input file does not fit in device
Programming mode left
Connection to STK500 V2 closed
WARNING! One or more operations failed! Please examine the output log above!
C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\STK500>STK500.EXE -cUSB -dATmega8 -e -ifhold_se
rvo.hex -pf -vf
STK500 command line programmer, v 2.2 Atmel Corp (C) 2004-2005.
Connected to STK500 V2 on port USB:0000B0024075
Device parameters loaded
Programming mode entered
Device erased
FLASH input file read
Programming FLASH... Could not program FLASH
Programming mode left
Connection to STK500 V2 closed
WARNING! One or more operations failed! Please examine the output log above!
The program hold_servo.hex did't fit in EEPROM and I Could not program FLASH...
Any suggestion are welcome