Author Topic: my first robot ---  (Read 2428 times)

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my first robot ---
« on: March 24, 2011, 07:10:10 PM »
Hey guys  ( and gals if there are any on here ). I just wanted to post a short vid of my robot. I am having problems with the photo-resistors telling the robot how to turn ( actually it is probably a problem with my programming) so it only goes straight - but baby steps i guess-   
here is my code if anyone can help me. I started to read about programming in c, but as yo know it's not something you can learn in a day. I am using project designer to get me started, and cutting and pasting from the photovore file in the tutorial, so i am sure the code could be cleaned up a bit.

#include "hardware.h"

// Initialise the hardware
void appInitHardware(void) {

// Initialise the software
TICK_COUNT appInitSoftware(TICK_COUNT loopStart){
   return 0;
// This is the main loop
TICK_COUNT appControl(LOOP_COUNT loopCount, TICK_COUNT loopStart) {

      int threshold=8;//the larger this number, the more likely your robot will drive straight
   // -------- Start Switch/Button-------
   // Switch/Button - see switch.h
   // To test if it is pressed then
      // pressed
   // To test if it is released then
      // released
   // -------- End   Switch/Button-------

   // -------- Start Marquee-------
   // Marquee - see 'segled.h'
   // Before using the Marquee you need to redirect rprintf to write to it
   // This can be done using
   Writer old = rprintfInit(marqueeGetWriter(&marquee));
   // All rprintf output will then be sent to the marquee but will not
   // display until an end-of-line eg "\n" has been sent. Example:-
   // rprintf("Hello World\n");
   // If the endDelay is non-zero then the marquee will scroll
   // forever or until you call: marqueeStop(&marquee);
   // If the endDelay is zero then the marquee will stop once
   // the entire line has been shown ('one-shot' mode)
   // In 'one-shot' mode then you may want to make sure that
   // a previous line has finished before you display a second line.
   // This can be done as follows:-
   marqueeSetEndDelay(&marquee,0); // Make sure we are in one-shot mode
         rprintf("Loop=%u\n",(unsigned)loopCount); // Put the loop count
   // Restore rprintf back to its previous location
   // -------- End   Marquee-------

   // -------- Start Analogue Input-------
   // Read the Analogue Input and store results
   uint16_t photoresistor_rightval = a2dConvert10bit(photoresistor_right);
   // Dump out the value
   rprintf("photoresistor_right: %d\n",photoresistor_rightval);
   // -------- End   Analogue Input-------

   // -------- Start Analogue Input-------
   // Read the Analogue Input and store results
   uint16_t Photoresistor_leftval = a2dConvert10bit(Photoresistor_left);
   // Dump out the value
   rprintf("Photoresistor_left: %d\n",Photoresistor_leftval);
   // -------- End   Analogue Input-------

   // -------- Start Actuators -------
   // To control your.motors/servos then see actuators.h in the manual   // To retrieve the required speed of servoleft use:
   // DRIVE_SPEED speed=act_getSpeed(servoleft);
   // To set the required speed of servoleft use:
   // act_setSpeed(servoleft,speed);
   // This example will move the motors back and forth using the loopStart time:
   if(Photoresistor_left > photoresistor_right && (Photoresistor_left - photoresistor_right) > threshold)
         // go left

      else if(photoresistor_right > Photoresistor_left && (photoresistor_right - Photoresistor_left) > threshold)
         // go right

         // Go forwards

      //print out detected difference
      rprintf("Sensor Difference: %d\n", Photoresistor_left - photoresistor_right);
delay_ms(30);//slow control loop down to prevent crazy robot oscillation
   return 20000; // wait for 20ms to stop crazy oscillations (long story)

   // -------- End   Actuators -------