Author Topic: RoCKIn Competition 2014 Call Reminder and Announcing Webots Scenario Simulators  (Read 2203 times)

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We remind you all that applications are open for RoCKIn Competition 2014, to be held in Toulouse this coming November.

Meanwhile, we are glad to announce that Cyberbotics has developed scenarios of the RoCKIn@Work and RoCKIn@Home challenges for the 2014 Competition, which are in line with the rulebooks and can be used with the free edition of Webots.
Qualified teams will have access to Webots PRO for free during a time window that starts at qualification time and ends after the 2014 Competition (i.e., 30 Nov 2014).

RoCKIn Competition 2014, November 26-30, 2014 (European Robotics Week) Cité de L’Espace, Toulouse =======================================================================

RoCKIn is short for “Robot Competitions Kick Innovation in Cognitive Systems and Robotics” and it is an EU-funded Coordination Action aiming at the promotion of research and education in Robotics through competitions (

The RoCKIn Competition 2014, to be held in Toulouse in the mind-blowing spaces of the science museum "La Cité de L’Espace”
(, November 26-30, 2014, will be the first of two exciting competition events that will take place during the project lifetime, both during the European Robotics Week: in Toulouse (2014) and Lisbon (2015).

RoCKIn addresses two challenges — RoCKIn@Home and RoCKIn@Work — that take  inspiration from the corresponding RoboCup competitions, but focus on benchmarking and networked robot systems. Both challenges require basic navigation capabilities for mobile platforms, advanced (possibly distributed) perception, manipulation and human-robot interaction.
RoCKIn@Home focuses on tasks that service robots execute in a real home environment, while the tasks to be performed in RoCKIn@Work target an industrial automation scenario.

The remaining schedule dates for the application, qualification and registration process for RoCKIn Competition 2014 are:

- Application deadline: 23 May 2014 (for all teams, even if no intention  to participate was declared)
- Decision on Qualified Teams: 31 May 2014
- Registration open: 01 June 2014 - 1 July 2014 (for the qualified teams only)


All teams interested to participate in RoCKIn Competition 2014 should now apply by May 23rd, 2014, by filling the online form available at
which addresses the following questions:

1. Team name and affiliation
2. Number of team members, with status (e.g., professor, post-doc, PhD student, MSc student) 3. Competition where the team will participate [ RoCKIn@Home and RoCKIn@Work ]

In addition, each team has to prepare and submit a 6-pages 2-column Team Description Paper (TDP).

All the details regarding the format of the two challenges for the 2014 edition, and links to their rulebooks, TDP contents and format, application form and other can be found at

