Author Topic: newb looking for a kit  (Read 8861 times)

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Offline jeremyrobinetteTopic starter

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newb looking for a kit
« on: March 11, 2006, 02:13:15 PM »
Hey, im new to robotics, but have been interested for atleast 5 years.  anywayz i was just wondering what everyone thought would be a good starter kit for me, i want something i can expierment with but can also expand later on. i would like to start off doing simple obstacle ovoidance, and would later like to expand into some sound or voice, mapping, communications and maybe some 3d terrain analysis.  All ideas are welcome, if it would be cheaper to just get parts instead of a kit, maybe a list of parts would be helpful.  I would like to eventually design a robot that will travel around a house or appartment and remember where key points are and share those with other robots. I plan on taking it a step at a time so i can get confortable with every aspect before moving on to the next step. 

Offline JesseWelling

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Re: newb looking for a kit
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2006, 11:39:20 PM »
This is just me and I'm also verry new to robotics, but when building a robot you should play to your stengths, so if you are good at mechanics and what not (I'm not) go a head and takle making some thing that has a custom drive system or neat mechanical things (just don't aim to high to start with)

If you are like me and more oriented twords the software/electronics of it, go for something prebuilt as far as chasis and drive train goes (I'm starting with the packaged stuff by Polulu and using a Botrics Pic based controller).

Other than that I have no real worthy advice.

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Re: newb looking for a kit
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2006, 11:08:35 AM »
I have never used a kit so I won't be able to recommend any . . . But I like your philosphy on starting.

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To add on to JesseWelling's post, try to find someone else that compliments what you can do. So if say you are good at electronics but suck at mechanical stuff, find someone who is good at it and team up. Plus if you are lucky, he will split the costs with you . . .