In using microcontrollers, and starting out, first review the capabilities of
the microcontroller that you want to use. If you are using a PIC with
only 2 I/O pins, (input/output), your options are limited, insofar as sensors/motors
to access.
So, let's take the Axon II for example, which is supported by the creators of this forum;
58 I/O in total, 16 ADC (Analog to digital convertor), 12C and SPI (for more memory access),
15 PWM channels. AND, runs your program at 16 Million Instructions Per Second(MIPS)
This microcontroller already has pins set up for you, but
YOU have to program them.
Theoretically, you can have 58 sensors on the microcontroller.The Fun thing to do is review the microcontrollers advertised on this forum, and also on Parallax.com.
The providers of the microcontroller will present information of
examples of what you can do,
and the programs to help you begin.
If you are just starting out, I would recommend to get a
basic stamp from parallax; the programming is
simple and straightforward, and there is plenty of help in the forum. I wish I could answer your
question in regard to the Axon, but I do not have enough experience with that microcontroller at this
time. Keep me posted.......Good luck!