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Offline vidam

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #210 on: June 20, 2008, 09:56:46 AM »

What camera will interface easiest with the Axon? Will there be samples and code. Can do simple color segmentation and estimation of distance to objects all on the Axon ?


I read that the Blackfin has been used with the Axon during a contest. I'd also like to interface the Blackfin to the Axon. I hope you will provide the instructions on how to do this.

Also, I have 16 sonars that I will interface to the Axon's 16 ADC ports. Hope there won't be any issues doing that. Will I need an external power supply for the sonar?
« Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 12:59:32 PM by vidam »

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #211 on: June 20, 2008, 11:55:00 AM »
I read that the Blackfin has been used with the Axon during a contest. I'd also like to interface the Blackfin to the Axon. I hope you will provide the instructions on how to do this.

Blackfin is a series of processors, I think...., from Analog...
CMUCAM comes with a blackfin, but why not to learn who to program a blackfin...

Also there is little general knowledge here on the forum about FPGAs or CPLDs...

This is a question to Admin.... why to focus on AVRs when they are so so common and not in a device like one above
if you want to do something for the experts???

Just asking......

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #212 on: June 20, 2008, 01:53:01 PM »
Also there is little general knowledge here on the forum about FPGAs or CPLDs...

This is a question to Admin.... why to focus on AVRs when they are so so common and not in a device like one above
if you want to do something for the experts???

I would think that when people get to the knowledge level of using FPGAs on their own they would likely be building the entire circuit around the logic they are creating.  FPGAs are not (usually) a general use item where as an AVR is.  Of course FPGAs produce much faster logic...
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Offline AdminTopic starter

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #213 on: June 21, 2008, 09:08:41 AM »
I got some good news . . . and some bad news . . .

The good news is I got everything back from the manufacturer and can start shipping Monday.

The bad news is that . . . my manufacturer is a [negativity]moron[/negativity] and despite me paying a premium for lead-free RoHS compliance, and repeatedly getting reassurance that the boards will be, they made sure to include lots of lead just for fun . . . the boards completely failed the lead test, even worse than my last manufacturer in China even :'(

Anyway, I'm kinda freaking/stressing out right now cause thats $4k+ of my money lost . . . so I need to spend some time de-stressing and figuring out how to recoup some of that . . . I sent an email to the manufacturer and I'm waiting to hear back . . .

Worst case, I convert the Axon to a non-RoHS compliant board . . . write off the premium costs . . . and pray I don't lose customers who only want RoHS . . . blllaaahhhhhh :'(

I'll think about it for a few days . . .


vidam, read the rest of this thread for answers to all your questions . . . and the Axon documentation . . . its all here

Offline Gertlex

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #214 on: June 21, 2008, 10:29:00 AM »
Count me as one who doesn't care :)

Like all electronics of this sort, even if it breaks, I'll keep it.

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #215 on: June 21, 2008, 01:40:17 PM »
I wouldn't care if there was lead in it....
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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #216 on: June 21, 2008, 03:42:36 PM »
Im interested in it even though it has lead in it. Besides, all I have to do is tell myself lead isnt toxic and it wont be. Mind over matter! <_<   >_>
But yeah I dont mind the lead, its the money they stole from you that bugs me...

Id buy one but I have a whopping budget of zero dollars :-\
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Offline emmannuel

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #217 on: June 21, 2008, 03:47:56 PM »
Sorry to hear they did that Admin.

I've noticed a lot of companies doing the same thing too, raising their prices.

"We're charging you more cause this is a Green/Earth friendly process"

When its the same crap they were doing before :(

Offline AndrewM

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #218 on: June 21, 2008, 04:00:59 PM »
Personally I prefer leaded devices.  Aside from making better chew toys (that is a joke), the electronics tend to last longer.  20+ years of working with lead traces and components with no kidney damage, hearing problems or sleep loss; and I still managed to get into mensa, so I would say IQ loss was at a minimum.  Count me in on the non-RoHS compliance boards.
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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #219 on: June 21, 2008, 05:33:57 PM »
Personally I prefer leaded devices.  Aside from making better chew toys (that is a joke), the electronics tend to last longer.  20+ years of working with lead traces and components with no kidney damage, hearing problems or sleep loss; and I still managed to get into mensa, so I would say IQ loss was at a minimum.  Count me in on the non-RoHS compliance boards.

ohh sleep loss, one night after working with a small amount of solder tip tinner( some wierd canister with a multi-colored blackish stuff in it) I woke up 3 times dreaming I was solderign and I dropped a hot solder iron, woke up reaching for it in my bed all three times......

Also, i dont intend to be licking the boards so im not too worried, hopefully those rabbis can forgive me.....
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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #220 on: June 21, 2008, 05:41:37 PM »
wait... were not supposed to lick the boards?... aw man!
I too have dreamed I was soldering. As far as I know, I dont have a hearing problem nor kidney problems. I dont sleep very well at all ever and always wake up tired in the morning... may not be related to lead though cuz I dont think ive been exposed to lead long enough in my short life so far to get any damage... though Ive had 3 rolls of 60/40 sitting right next to me for at least 8 hours every day for the past 2 years... hmmm
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Offline TrickyNekro

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #221 on: June 21, 2008, 05:55:14 PM »
Man, lead free is just a trend...
It affects soldering badly...
I think this act is because the want to cut electronics from costumers expect companies...

It's harder to solder and rework on the soldering mostly...

Anyways, what matters to the end product is how well it works no manufacturing ways...
All that years lead was in every product... what now... nothing...
They only need to create new markets.... health is not an issue... while super (benzine) is still sold....



Admin... we are with you.............. but with no money sorry ;D
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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #222 on: June 22, 2008, 09:23:30 AM »
I don't understand the three UARTs.

Does that mean the Axon can comunicate with the Blackfin camera, other MCUs, and bluetooth at the same time? Wow!

(Is there a way to do that with other MCUs?)     

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #223 on: June 22, 2008, 09:54:20 AM »
I finally released the source code a few days ago:

The Axon is now public (as a link in the MISC section at the top left on any main SoR page).

Still no word from the manufacturer . . . I'm guessing its the weekend and that they are taking time to investigate . . . Anyway I'm just going to ask for a major discount from them on the next batch, hoping they won't make the mistake again . . .

Barring any more unexpected problems (hopefully I'm running out of those), I start shipping Monday morning. :)

Does that mean the Axon can comunicate with the Blackfin camera, other MCUs, and bluetooth at the same time? Wow!
Yeap. Another example: USB to communicate with your laptop, with one UART for GPS, another for an LCD, and the 3rd for a camera. Or use two cameras for stereo vision :P

Offline Kohanbash

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #224 on: June 22, 2008, 01:24:50 PM »
I can use the blackfin to determine how much lead is being licked off the Axon. yay
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Offline vidam

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #225 on: June 22, 2008, 01:35:52 PM »
Do you have "published" (or will you) the source code?
I've already published the ERP code I used with the $50 Robot controller. And yeap, I'll publish the Axon ERP code, too. As well as the code for the Blackfin with the Axon.

Please help me find the link where the code for the Blackfin and the Axon are published by Admin? I checked the ERP page and did a search on the forum and can't find it anywhere.

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #226 on: June 22, 2008, 02:32:40 PM »
Please help me find the link where the code for the Blackfin and the Axon are published by Admin? I checked the ERP page and did a search on the forum and can't find it anywhere.
I'm still working on that tutorial - I'm refining the code to be easier to use. At the moment the code still requires the body of my ERP :P

(the same for all the other code I've promised, its in the works, and being debugged)

Offline vidam

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #227 on: June 22, 2008, 02:39:02 PM »
Please help me find the link where the code for the Blackfin and the Axon are published by Admin? I checked the ERP page and did a search on the forum and can't find it anywhere.
I'm still working on that tutorial - I'm refining the code to be easier to use. At the moment the code still requires the body of my ERP :P

(the same for all the other code I've promised, its in the works, and being debugged)

Could you give a best and worst case estimate on when the code will be published for the Axon interface with Blackfin?

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #228 on: June 22, 2008, 07:58:23 PM »
I see that right now, you are only shipping to the continental united states. Im from Canada and was wondering if you would ship to canada if we were to pay an additional shipping fee or something along the lines. Lemme know what u think.  ( I did a forum search and didnt see another post on this so i thought id ask).

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #229 on: June 23, 2008, 08:27:30 AM »
I just got an email from the manufacturer:
I got your email about the lead issue. Here is what happened. The assembly was done using leaded paste. It is partially my fault because there was no official PO so I overlooked this during the procedure.  What can we do? Well, nothing on the boards we already did. For the next batch we can make sure things go right. Please try to convince your customer to take these for now.

Still in discussion on discounts, etc.

In other news, I shipped several Axons this morning. More tomorrow. Finally, eh? :P

Could you give a best and worst case estimate on when the code will be published for the Axon interface with Blackfin?
Its in a list of things I mean to get done. Probably 2 weeks more. If you or anyone else really needs it asap, I can send you the rough draft.

silent069, Canada will be the first international country I plan to ship to. I'll probably charge ~$8 more for Canada, but don't quote me on that yet! I'll let you know in a week or two. I'm still working on streamlining the process for everything.

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #230 on: June 23, 2008, 09:45:38 AM »
Awesome!! good to hear things are finally working out! Im actually pretty excited to get my Axon in the near future. Lead free or not!

Offline vidam

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #231 on: June 23, 2008, 10:05:22 AM »
Could you give a best and worst case estimate on when the code will be published for the Axon interface with Blackfin?
Its in a list of things I mean to get done. Probably 2 weeks more. If you or anyone else really needs it asap, I can send you the rough draft.

I have never worked with anything like Blackfin or CMUCam before. So I am probably getting one in august. I have a competition in Sept. I hope that 1 month is enough time to do all my image processing and hardware integration???

If not, then I could try to get it sooner this month. If so then I would need your code in July. Otherwise not till August. Let me know, please, your suggestion/advice if any?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 10:06:31 AM by vidam »

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #232 on: June 23, 2008, 12:01:22 PM »
I just got an email from the manufacturer:

I got your email about the lead issue. Here is what happened. The assembly was done using leaded paste. It is partially my fault because there was no official PO so I overlooked this during the procedure.  What can we do? Well, nothing on the boards we already did. For the next batch we can make sure things go right. Please try to convince your customer to take these for now.

Still in discussion on discounts, etc.

Sounds like Admin could use a intro to business tut.  :P
You should always make out a Purchase Order and get back a sighed confirmation. It makes it much easier to reject faulty merchandise. Also, these may be necessary to maintain by the state (look into your state sales tax laws) if you want to use it for a write off. California requires copies of Purchase Orders, Receipts of Goods, Sales Orders, etc. etc. etc.

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #233 on: June 23, 2008, 03:20:42 PM »
I got my 'order shipped' notice.


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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #234 on: June 25, 2008, 11:29:54 AM »
I have an Axon now.  ;D


Offline AndrewM

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #235 on: June 25, 2008, 12:30:25 PM »
I have an Axon now.  ;D


Show off :P  So whatcha gonna build with it?  I have four more weeks of my business strategy class before I can start back up on my robotic projects, so I guess it is ok that Admin hasn't included me in his first round of shipments...
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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #236 on: June 25, 2008, 02:16:11 PM »
got one today

I'll be adding it into chives!!!

It will handle all the sensors and provide feedback to my laptop
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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #237 on: June 26, 2008, 08:56:00 AM »
I haven't done anything with mine yet; other than droll everywhere except on it.

It came on the same day I was planning on reinstalling Windows XP, and that took priority.  Nor have I had the chance to play around with the code... or even used C in 4 years. (I found VB.Net 2005 to be easiest for working with the Mini SSC II)  One of the first things I'll do is probably try and get the Axon to control the MiniSSC II.  8)

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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #238 on: June 26, 2008, 09:07:42 PM »
Woot, I got my parents to spend the 100 $ today, google emailed me the confirmation, its on the way!!
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Re: SoR annoucement: microcontroller product
« Reply #239 on: June 26, 2008, 09:20:58 PM »
I should have my Axons in a few days.  Woot!  Now I really need to finish off this last college class (yes, graduation was not enough incentive on its own).
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