hey, i recently bought a microcontroller programmer, its similar too this one but not the same
http://www.appsofttech.com/products/mcu/pic/images/pic17.gifit has the things where you put the microcontroller chip thingy (the green things) but it looks a little diffrent.
bur now to the problem, i don't have any microcontrollers.
and since i like DIY (do it yourself, i found out what DIY meant yesterday
, i live in Norway), i began to wonder if there was any microcontrollers in like old electronics.
i have found some neat IC's in old computers, but i don't know if they are programable.
so, anyone know if there are any easily accessable microcontrollers in electronics?
i can get most sort of electronics junk since i live close to a shop that steals stuff from the junkyard