Hi there.
                I went through your site today and thought u might be able to help me in my new project. I have to program a MUC to control a DC motor and make it rotate clockwise anti-clockwise depending on the inputs from a few proximity sensors. I should also be able to control the speed of the motor using PWM.
                This is the first time that ill be programming a MUC.I have done elementary assmbly language program but thats only in theory.Haven't really loaded the program on to the MUC. I am quite familiar with C programming also. But i dont know how to program a MUC using C. I have chosen a motorola DSP56F805 micro-controller. I havent been able to interface any of those proximity devices yet. Can u please help me out with this particular MUC and how i might be able to do anything about my project.
Thanking you