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Mechanics and Construction / Ring tossing
« Last post by Operator_Ghost_ on October 17, 2022, 03:40:19 AM »
So I wanted to design a robot with ring picking and tossing mechanism on it, dimensions are 500x500x500mm. Tossing should be done using spring or rubber band, can anyone help me out please!
Electronics / Re: Looking for cheap electronic items
« Last post by Abby123 on September 18, 2022, 08:15:45 PM »
Hello, blogger; I hope to recommend two companies in China to you. The quality of PCB boards is excellent.
hoping it is helpful to you; thank you for your support,
 8) Excelsior!   8)

     In reference to your motor problem, it might be best to see if you can find a nice motor
and put the gear down assembly yourself. While this may seem tedious, you will know how
every part of the motor works. If you get easily acquired motors, with a gear pack you can
use, that will go above and beyond what everybody else has. Good luck!

 ;D  See you next time, same robot channel,  8) same robot time!  8)
I've finished a 2-wheeled rc robot that uses two N20 motors.  I'm now starting a project for a bigger 2-wheeled robot.  I have been going crazy trying to find a geared dc motor bigger than the N20 (~20mm long by ~10mm radius) but smaller than the zillion 60mm long planetary motors I've found.  Ideally it would be the following ...

30mm to 40mm long
15mm to 20mm diameter
5v to 12v
250 to 500 rpm

I don't need an exact model.  Just pointing me to some category of motors anywhere near these specs would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance...
Software / Does anyone have Kuka sim pro software?
« Last post by Kisso on July 25, 2022, 05:21:13 AM »
Hello guys!

I have a job opportunity and i don't want to miss it and i really need more practice with Kuka because its been so long since i worked with kuka , im not confident enough.

So please if anyone has the Kuka Sim Pro Software , doesn't matter if its Free Trial . i just need someone to upload it (Setup files) on google drive or wherever. because there is no way i could get it on official website. Thanks!
Mechanics and Construction / I need help on how to start building Arm robot
« Last post by gisicak on July 12, 2022, 09:15:29 AM »
I need help on how to start building Arm robot

Mechanics and Construction / I need help on how to start building Gesture robot
« Last post by gisicak on July 12, 2022, 09:12:54 AM »
I need help on how to start building a Gesture robot

Mechanics and Construction / Re: High friction wheels for a sumo bot
« Last post by maroji on July 12, 2022, 09:04:42 AM »
Can someone help me for this project ?

Mechanics and Construction / Re: Do you think this robot movement is useful?
« Last post by gisicak on July 12, 2022, 08:55:40 AM »
;D Hello!
Awesome work! I have tried also to use the wire wrap direction, and found that the wires acted like
antennas, with the bus speeds. This put out a lot of noise and loaded down my CPU with a fanout rate.
I did not do as good job as you have but only present this as a possibility. Good Luck!!  ;) :) :D ;D

Download Kiddions Mod Menu
Mechanics and Construction / Re: Do you think this robot movement is useful?
« Last post by gisicak on July 12, 2022, 08:51:28 AM »
Hello, I have started a full-scale humanoid robot project. Check out the progress, I am currently finishing a leg to begin working on the sensors and electronics. I will be using brushless DC motors, MPU6050, and ultrasonic sonar sensors.

Check out my projects
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