Author Topic: [advertisement] grand opening!  (Read 12110 times)

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[advertisement] grand opening!
« on: January 11, 2018, 01:18:31 PM »
Hi Fellow Roboticists,

I've noticed that there isn't really a online place dedicated to robotic arms, so I am going ahead and starting my own:
Right now it's pretty bare bones, but I hope to include tutorials about programming robotic arms (forward inverse kinematics, jacobians, visual servoing, etc), open source code to run your arms, and other resources to getting your robot arm doing fun and useful things. Let me know if you guys like the idea!

Also, I made a discount for you guys, if you see anything you like use ARMLAUNCH at checkout for 25% off. Feel free to share.

Offline rouncer

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Re: [advertisement] grand opening!
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2018, 09:50:13 PM »
that would be cool to do inverse kinematics to do 3d printing with.