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New robotic toy coming out!

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Hello everybody!

     I have invented a new robotic toy, that everyone will enjoy, I hope!
It is a Raspberry pi 4 project. I will sell the plans for it, which includes instructional video, schematics, links to free software sites, how to install the freeware, and instrumentation of the robot.

The cost of the plans will be $20; about the same of a good python book you would buy, or the
cost of 2 favorite DVD movies. Once you have the plans, you can make as many as you want!
The estimated cost of the materials to build the robot is approx. $260. That included the cost of the raspberry pi 3, sensors, and mechanical components. To compare, some broken, not working parts for the HERO robot sell at $250 to $600 dollars, and you only get a broken robot. SAD!

I GURANTEE YOU that there is nothing in the world on the market today, like the robot I am going to build!! I will release the web site link to download the plans, exclusively, here on Society of Robots!!!!!!

So, stay tuned, TRUE BELIEVERS! EXCELSIOR!!!!!

Sounds great subbed!

 8) Thank you, thank you!  8)

Once you have the plans, PLEASE feel FREE to hack the robot to your heart's desire!!!!  ;D

 :D have no fear, I am still here!!  :D

     I am completing the code, and the final assembly of the robot; debugging and
tweeking out any potential problems that I think may have. This is probably the most
time consuming part of invention, BUT, it sure is fun!!!  ;D
    I may go back and make some GUI interfaces, to help in the construction of the
robot; kind of like, a robot construction wizard AI!   ;D
    I am trying to make the construction of the robot so easy, that anyone with some robot
skills should be able to complete it in 3 hours, or an enjoyable weekend, - my goal, anyway.
Stay tuned, True Believers!!!!  EXCELSIOR!!!!   8)   8)

 8) EXCELSIOR!   8)

  For those of you who are "afraid" of the code and robotics, and may need good supplemental books to read,
and downloadable books, I will include the names of them in my plans. I am trying to
make the project building enjoyable as possible, with a simple "shake and bake" assembly procedure.

     3 hours to complete the robot sounds lengthy, but if you have ever played with a raspberry pi,
interfacing components to the real world consumes time, as well as programming itself! before you
know it, you have spent 3 hours just enjoying yourself working on the raspberry pi!

     As for the code, I am listing REM statements in the code for you to use; whereas, you have access
to variables that lets you introduce more sensors into the program to enhance the your robot,
without rewriting the whole program. I will also list freeware that may help write the code for you, to provide a more enjoyable way to enhance your robot.

     Stay tuned true believers!!!   8)   8)


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