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very nicewhat kind of motorized chassis is that? It looks very cool.
How long does it take to charge the batteries with the solar cells?
Does it know the borders of your property? so it doesn't roll down the sidewalk into the street?
I was thinking either misterhouse or vcribs because theyre free. I was also thinking about getting the Insteon USB PLC.... What do you recommend?
Do you think you can make some more documentation on this robot? Maybe even a tutorial ?
I'm curious to know how loud the thing is
Nice job!I'm curious as to which wireless camera system you used. I also want to add one to my yard robot. I would like to sit in my house and drive my robot around outside. Would you recommend your camera system for that?
But... if I was going to do it over.... I would have purchased a 12 volt camera so it would intergrate into the robot easier.
I have that camera also . Its OK I guess for inside a room but I found that the reception is really crappy.
All a 12 volt camera would have is a step down from 12V to the 5 or so used by the camera. Also, you should go for IP cameras. Then set up a wireless network with repeaters all over your neighborhood and you have perfect reception. Then of course you can also make your robot internet controlled .
Awesome job mate!
You've got me inspired to look into deer chasing as another role for my yard robot in the future. I really like tulips, but they're like chocolate to a deer. Maybe a roving security robot could keep the deer away from my tulips.