Software > Software

Autonomous robot's navigation

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Now AVM Navigator v0.7 is released and you can download it from RoboRealm website.
In new version is added two modes: "Marker mode" and "Navigate by map".

Marker mode

Marker mode provides a forming of navigation map that will be made automatically by space marking. You just should manually lead the robot along some path and repeat it several times for good map detailing.

Navigation by map

In this mode you should point the target position at the navigation map and further the robot plans the path (maze solving) from current location to the target position (big green circle) and then robot begins automatically walking to the target position.

For external control of "Navigate by map" mode is added new module variables:

NV_LOCATION_X - current location X coordinate;
NV_LOCATION_Y - current location Y coordinate;
NV_LOCATION_ANGLE - horizontal angle of robot in current location (in radians);

Target position at the navigation map
NV_IN_TRG_POS_X - target position X coordinate;
NV_IN_TRG_POS_Y - target position Y coordinate;

NV_IN_SUBMIT_POS - submitting of target position (value should be set 0 -> 1 for action).


Quake 3 Odometry Test

Navigation by map

Visual Landmark Navigation

Quake 3 Mod

Don't have a robot just yet? Then click here to view the manual that explains how to setup RoboRealm
with the AVM module to control the movement and processing of images from the Quake first person video game.
This allows you to work with visual odometry techniques without needing a robot!

The additional software needed for this integration can be downloaded here.

Is it possible to play with virtual robot in "Navigation by map" mode?


Just look into documentation and download the "AVM Quake 3 mod" installation.

Next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.2.1is released.

Visual odometry algorithm was updated:
AVM Nav v0.7.2.1 testing

I have done new plugin for RoboRealm:

Digital Video Recording system (DVR)

You can use the "DVR Client-server" package as a Video Surveillance System in which parametric data
(such as VR_VIDEO_ACTIVITY) from different video cameras will help you search for a video fragment
that you are looking for.

You can use the "DVR Client-server" package as a powerful instrument for debugging your video processing
and control algorithms that provides access to the values of your algorithm variables that were archived
during recording.

Technical Details

 - ring video/parametric archive with duration of 1 - 12 months;

 - configurable database record (for parametric data) with maximal length of 190 bytes;

 - writing of parameters to database with discretization 250 ms;

 - the DVR Client can work simultaneously with four databases that can be located at remote computers.


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