1- No power return from the Sabertooth motor driver to the SLA batteries. You want this to go directly to the battery and not through the other circuits.
Ok, so ground goes directly back to the battery? And that is to prevent damage to the relay due to the regeneration feature on the Sabertooth, right?
2- No current limiting on the LEDs. Usually a series resistor.
I thought that because the supply voltage is only 12 volts and the the total forward voltage drop will 13.2 volts, I won't need a resistor. The LEDs will just be dimmer and that's fine. Or do I still need a resistor?
3- Is the + on the XBee from an Axon port pin? or a 3.3V regulator.
It's fron an Axon port pin. I forgot to mention that Xbee is connected to a development board.
4- Is the Servo a RC hobby servo? If so then it needs a control wire.
Yes, its the HS-645mg modified for continuous rotation. That is in my circuit. I just forgot to put it in the schematic.
Thanks a lot for your input