Dear Robot enthusiasts/experts,
I need your help. I am a performer-educator and I make my living presenting school assembly programs for kids in grades k-6. During my travels, I have come to realize that there is lack of focus on science and engineering themes for elementary school-age children. Having said that, I am currently creating a program which introduces kids to the amazing (and evolving)field of robotics. I am posting here because where I excel in performing, I lack in robot-building skills. I am reaching out to any of you who might have WORKING robots that are sitting dormant in a closet somewhere. In otherwords, I am looking for "robot donations". I plan to incorporate drones, fighting robots, humanoid robots, even helper robots (i.e. roombas) in this show. If you (or anyone you know) has a robot to donate to this cause, I would be so appreciative. Know that any donation will play an integral part introducing hundreds of thousands of young people to theexciting world of robotics. Thank you for your help and consideration in this effort. Email me at davidjack1(at) or through this forum. Please feel free to forward this message to contacts and colleagues who might be able to help.
David Jack