I am not sure whether this posting goes in the software or mechanical area. At the site
http://www.societyofrobots.com/actuators_modifyservo.shtmlThere is a hex file to dowload to use for centering the servo motor.
Could someone send me the (C) source code used to make that hex file? It may confirm my understanding of what I intend to do with LabVIEW (a virtual instrument application to handle I/O)
I will be controlling the robot initially via a LabVIEW application to emulate the microcontroller via an "umbilical" line that plugs into the DIP socket (instead of hosting the microcontroller).
As far as I can understand, one only needs to send 1.5 ms pulses every 20 ms for the HS311 servo, in order to center it for modification. It should be possible to use LabVIEW to provide the necessary control signal for centering.
Also, I presume (hope) the control signal for the servo is low current. I searched for HS311 specs and found reference to 160mA for no load current, but nothing about signal current.
I would appreacaite any clarification.
Peter Spasov