ok so i picked up an apple IIc for under $20 and like i expected it`s working as well as most of my other apple junk (see below)
Mac classic II sounds like it's going to explodebasically here`s what it does when i flick it on. first it displays apple //c at the top and at the bottom it says "check disk drive" much like this.
Apple //c
Check disk drive.
the problem is that there is no prompt after that. i have no idea what to do. does it not have any proprietary software? anyway there's some other stuff i could use in this thing that could make it worth while if it's toast or if it's just junk. first there's 2 steppers and a standalone stepper motor controller inside the 5 inch floppy. then there's the power supply, then there's the 2 external 3.5 inch floppies that probably have at least the stepper driven track. i could probably find more but if it's worth repairing i might go with it