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This post exists for two reasons:

1) To help you make the most of this site
2) To prevent a thousand posts all vaguely titled 'beginner here! help!' :P

Since summer of 2005, SoR ( has grown to have a huge database of helpful information for beginners. If you have a question, the course of action would be to:

1) Read the suggested list of tutorials for beginners
2) Check the current list of tutorials for specific topic info
3) Search the forum for posts from people who have already asked your question (use search bar at top left)

If you cant find any information, feel free to make a post.

If you dont just have a question, but want to know a lot about a little, feel free to suggest a new tutorial. All new suggestions get voted on, and I write about tutorials that get the most votes.

Hope this helps! Good luck on your first robot!


--- Quote from: Admin on February 16, 2007, 07:12:58 PM ---1) Read the suggested list of tutorials for beginners
2) Check the current list of tutorials for specific topic info
3) Search the forum for posts from people who have already asked your question (use search bar at top left)

--- End quote ---

I'd like to add a 4 and 5:
4) Search wikipedia
5) Search google

Too many people ask questions that are answered by the first hit on a simple wiki/google search.   

BEFORE you make a post, please read the forum rules on posting.

If your post doesnt follow these rules, you risk getting it deleted.
(sorry for being heavy handed, but you'd be amazed at how many people triple post)

The less time I spend on forum moderating, the more time I will have to help everyone. ;D


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