Author Topic: Info on Panasonic Servo Motor  (Read 7543 times)

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Offline vinnygalboTopic starter

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Info on Panasonic Servo Motor
« on: March 15, 2017, 09:31:57 AM »
I have a linear drive unit designed by Hirata Robotics. It uses a Panasonic Servo Motor with the following label:

Model: MQMA042F2G
Serial: 79100586

I converted the connector to the standard 11-wire encoder plugs plugged it into a good driver and it jerked like crazy and the motor faulted and it got hot. I searched many manuals for Hirata Robotic actuators and found most had a default encoder resolution of 1500 PPR. The default setup on the Panasonic amplifier is 2500 PPR. Which would explain why it jerked it could not find the correct positions. Does anyone know if the standard Panasonic driver can be adjusted for this lower encoder count?

Thank you in advance for any guidance.

