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this leaves one problem ...the last 4 wires .. that are shown in the last two pictures of the tutorial .. i cannot make where they come from !.. can someone explain it please ? .. is there any pictures from the ones who built this robot ?thank u :D
could someone tell me how i make it obstical avoider!
Using photoresistors it can only avoid shadows cast by objects. The method is explained in the last section of my tutorial.I'm currently upgrading the sensors from photoresistors to IR sensors. This will enable the robot to avoid objects better. I'm also planning to use the IR sensors to do wall following and edge avoiding. After the upgrade the robot can do line following, obstacle avoiding, wall following , edge avoiding and also can be used as a photovore and photophobe.
I guess you will have to wait for some time, until I post a tutorial about the upgrade, if you want the robot to avoid l obstacles and not their shadows.
You can switch to the circuit given in one of my previous replies to this post. It uses a transistor to drive the motor instead of a L293D. So you don't need any motor driver to control your motor.
can the $40 robot can detect a line as well as obstacles in its path and avoid it and trace the line again...pls help as it is a task in a competiton....
what kind of diodes do i need? and how many?
how much did your 3 in 1 robot cost...??n can help to build a remote controlled car for racing....??
REQUIRES: Assembly 2-Channel Radio 2 standard size servos 6 cell 7.2V battery pack & charger Polycarbonate Paint (Tamiya) (have to get this)CA glue and building tools (and this too)