Author Topic: $50 robot UART error  (Read 2918 times)

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Offline Alfa_ZuluTopic starter

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$50 robot UART error
« on: July 23, 2010, 02:16:21 AM »
Hey i've just finished the UART tutorial for the $50 robot but I'm having trouble compiling the program

I have followed the tutorial exactly several times but I'm still getting the same 5 errors, I have fixed a few older erros but I'm still stuck with these.
I am trying to output through my UART connection to display data through TTL serial to a 4 digit 7 segment display.
Below i have attached a screen shot of my errors.

Offline Razor Concepts

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Re: $50 robot UART error
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2010, 06:18:51 AM »
It doesn't sound like the uart file is included in the compile. Did you do the #include for the uart file? Also I believe there is a space in the makefile as well for including the uart.

Offline Alfa_ZuluTopic starter

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Re: $50 robot UART error
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2010, 03:12:50 AM »
ok thanks, sorted that out, now since i didn't know how to send it any data i used the example code from the sparkfun site, i uploaded the code to my 328P which is what's suggested for this code, then when i turned it on the display just seems to flash randomly, it doesn't display anything that actually makes sense lol.

This is the display i'm using

the datasheet says that i can send it data in one of 2 ways, either using TTL or SPL serial communication, i'm currently trying to use TTL for just the one wire going to RX but i think the example code is trying to communicate with it via SPL but i'm not real sure if this is the problem and if it is, how to change it.

if anyone knows what the problem could be, I appreciate any help. :)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 12:39:07 AM by Alfa_Zulu »