Author Topic: 2 x 18v drill motors & Trigger for speed control  (Read 15421 times)

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Offline GasmanTopic starter

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2 x 18v drill motors & Trigger for speed control
« on: November 14, 2017, 05:29:16 AM »
Hi All Newbie here. I am Making an autonomous Lawn Bot and am at the stage where I need to control motor speed. I only use parts that are donated or scrounged from something else I have lying around the shed or at work ,  so some creativity usually required when putting something together.

The 2 rear wheels are drive only and will only be forward and backwards at 1 speed. I have the gearboxes from the drill still attached to the motors on low speed setting, this is still too fast. I tried using the drill trigger as the speed controller which seemed to work for a few minutes but there was a burning smell coming from somewhere, which ended up being the MOSFET attached to the trigger. Once the MOSFET blew (by reversing the polarity on the trigger) I cut it off and the trigger worked fine without it but when I used less trigger the motors got very "jerky" in their rotation at the lower speed. My question is this, Using Drill triggers is it possible to run these 2 18v motors on 12v ?Is there any other handy components I could be using to rig something up ?

Offline GasmanTopic starter

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Re: 2 x 18v drill motors & Trigger for speed control
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2017, 01:23:18 AM »
So I have solved the problem I think. I used another trigger without a Mosfet and pumped 24v through both motors. runs at a crawl no excessive heat from switch or motors. Not entirely sure what the issue was , at a guess I'm gonna say it was the low voltage.