Author Topic: x86 asm robot advice needed!  (Read 2239 times)

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x86 asm robot advice needed!
« on: July 09, 2012, 07:15:46 PM »
Hello all, can anyone recommend a nice small sized x86 based motherboard I could build my robot around that I could possibly boot into DOS or Windows and program in straight assembly?  A quick search tells me I probably should be looking at either Pico-ITX or Mobile-ITX form factors, any particular brand of motherboard or features I should look for?   

I know most people find x86 assembly tedious if not horrifying!!  I can't explain why, but I do enjoy coding it however, and at least one upside is I could probably get by with minimal CPU power and RAM requirements.  Thanks for any info!

Offline Soeren

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Re: x86 asm robot advice needed!
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 09:41:12 PM »

Hello all, can anyone recommend a nice small sized x86 based motherboard I could build my robot around that I could possibly boot into DOS or Windows and program in straight assembly?  A quick search tells me I probably should be looking at either Pico-ITX or Mobile-ITX form factors, any particular brand of motherboard or features I should look for?   
I'd go with the Pico-ITX (or the Nano, if you've got room for it).

PC104 is more geared towards hardware control however, so you might wanna take a look at that - plenty of boards to pick up cheap(-ish).

I know most people find x86 assembly tedious if not horrifying!!  I can't explain why, but I do enjoy coding it however, and at least one upside is I could probably get by with minimal CPU power and RAM requirements.
x86 asm is neither tedious nor horrifying, it's the most logical of all the assemblers I've used over the years and for several years it has had high level structures for those finding the bare iron too intimidating. It's simply a way of thinking and the code gets smooth and firm like the behind of a Sweet 16 ;D
(Over the years, I've written just about anything from DOS TSR's and offbeat diskette formatting routines to Windows programs in assembler and I much prefer it over C[rap]+/-).

A rather fast and fairly heavy robot with quite large wheels needs what? A lot of power?
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