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BTW it seems in the video that you may use any "silicone" to seal the electronics side, but be aware that standard-grade silicone contains acetic acid which can cause corrosion in particular to electronics/copper/etc. So you can only use *some* RTV rubbers for waterproofing electronics.
i reassembled the servo in a jar of oil, fully submersed. lemme tell you how hard it is to reassemble a servo in a light refracting jar of messy slippery oil while wearing gloves . . . lol damn thing took about 30+ minutes to put back together hahadidnt help when all the tiny gears decided to leap out of the servo . . . or that screwdrivers are impossible to rotate when your hand is oiled up . . .then the oil kept leaking out so used lotsa super glue . . .i guess it was a 2 hour process, plus a month trying to figure it out . . . but i think you can do it in like 30 min following the tutorial i will write up . . . ill point out all the mistakes i made so others wont make em . . .but generally, im very happy with the final product. couldnt have done it without everyones suggestions! Quoteocean going solar powered bot, using GPS to navigate that would send a text message with it's location when it got close enough to shoreSo did I! (minus the text messaging part) Meant to do it years ago . . . tried recently on my new robot boat i made a few weeks ago but alas the chassis was too unstable for large waves and high winds . . .
ocean going solar powered bot, using GPS to navigate that would send a text message with it's location when it got close enough to shore
Try using a syringe in the future.