Newbie here...I have some vintage programming knowledge and not much on the electronics side of the house. Am very interested in robots and have been for some time. This site is amazing and kudos to thetalented gentleman who has put it together.
Heil Admin.
I've read the 50 robot tutorial and have ordered some of the basic components. I was at a bit of a tossup whether to buy a board ready to go or to build my own. I've opted to try to build my own for a first go just for the challenge of doing it.
Well, personally i support building you own boards... This is because:
1. You generally gain more knowledge about how the board works and soldering etc...
2. It's normally much cheaper than buying the equivalent board pre-made.
3. you can customize the board to your needs, need some more pins? Solder them in!
I'm wondering though if the 50 dollar robot platform will support Bluetooth integration? My ultimate short term goal in the world of robots is to build something of a security robot that can stream live footage to the web while doing either autonomous patrol indoors or remote control via web interface and Bluetooth. Have no clue how to get to that point past the 50 robot but certainly see the 50 dollar robot as a fun and essential step in learning the very basics of this exciting hobby.
Forgive any writing from my iPhone.
Well, bluetooth is completely possible with the $50 robot, you need uart for this.
The atmega8 has uart pins. Although, video streaming is a task...
Do you expect the robot to act on the video stream or just pass it on?
If it is the latter your better off using a wireless camera.
If its the first option, lots of stuff around here to help ya